Advent begins...

I have always been drawn to Christmas and it's wonderful lead up, although I admit to not enjoying seeing Christmas paraphernalia in the shops as soon as the children return to a new academic year; even for me that is too much.

So when does Christmas begin in our household, December 1st, of course.  Having grown up in a household where one parent was Scandinavian, we have many traditions that I now try and create in my own household, the favourite being decorating the kitchen on the night of November 30th, ready for everyone to be welcomed and greeted on the morning of December 1st.

Why do we decorate the kitchen and so early in December?  I believe it is the hub of the home. A place to come together, where homework is completed, discussions are had, food is prepared and eaten,  where coffee is drunk and chit chat takes place, a place where crafting occurs and daily news is devoured; in essence everything takes place here.  What better place then to bring the warmth of the Christmas spirit, where I hope it seeps into everyone, just that little bit, building up the excitement of togetherness, not just for children but adults alike.

Over the next few days, we will make seven different types of biscuits, another Norwegian tradition, ready to lay out both for invited and unexpected visitors.  We will make our Christmas presents to each other, write the Christmas cards, produce our own marzipan fruits and pour over cook books looking for new and exciting things to make, but more frequently returning to old yearly favourites.  I cannot quite bring myself to play the Christmas CD's yet, so we will work away to the radio and sing along to any Christmas tunes they decide to play for the moment.

So now, I need to stop writing and return to the kitchen and begin the Christmas decorating as everyone is in bed.  I love seeing their faces in the morning when they realise that our family Christmas is just beginning for another year...
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  1. This is so enjoyable Selma. Looking forward to new installments, every day I hope!

  2. Thank you, lovely to hear and it is fun to write! Just thought it would be a great way to remember all the great things we do, my memory is not what it used to be!


I will always read all comments and will try to reply but it may take me a couple of days, do please pop back and lets get a conversation going...