Crocheted pin cushions

8th January

Newly landed on the door mat
and mamma grabbed it first!

Having just recently subscribed to Simply Crochet I have been eagerly awaiting my copy and was finally rewarded this week.  To say I was a teensy bit excited would be an understatement.  However, mamma managed to get her hands on it first and began showing me snippets from within. I feigned interest and of course I was interested but wanted to devour it for myself and not be shown all the highlights in one go!  So the magazine has been firmly with mamma since it landed on the door mat and she has been crocheting away. Secretly though, I am very pleased.  When mamma is crafting, she is happy, if mamma is happy here in the eclectic house, then she will stay longer and visit more frequently and that is what we all like here in this home.

With the children back at school and my work not beginning again until tomorrow, we have had a couple of days grace.  Christmas is firmly packed away, well sort of, because of our leaky roof, the Christmas paraphernalia must stay stashed downstairs until said roof is fixed.  And most of the chores within the house completed for now, mamma and I have been beavering away, she obviously with the Simply Crochet magazine and crocheting to her hearts content and me with the amazing Paper Panda DIY kit, full post on that in the future.  Apart from the occasional glance up at the mad British weather, this morning we had lightning, thunder, torrential rain AND hailstones and now the sun is shining and we have beautiful blue skies, still with a nippy wind however, wonder if the rain and storm will return again soon?   Probably as the children return home from school, that is the usual par for the course... so apart from the weather, we have been crafting.

Mamma completed her project today and very pleased she is too, I think the pin cushion trio she has made is rather good as well.  She said they were easy to do and I must say she completed them rather quickly.  At one point thinking there was a typo on the instructions as pin cushion two began in a very different way, but she went along with it and it worked out correct.  Well done Simply Crochet, mamma is so pleased she will subscribe to you from Norway!  Want to see what she made?

Mamma is so pleased she is now making a fourth pin cushion... and here it is!
The above pin cushion was not made from the magazine but was from the Danish website of Lisselotte Weller:
A translation of the pin cushion would be as follows:
Scallop pincushion ~ crocheted
(The pincushion is very effective if you switch colours after round 3.)
Chain 6 and sl st to form a ring
Round 1:  12 sc into the ring and finish with a sl join
Round 2:  Chain 1, *2 sc in first st, then sc in  next two st* repaet till the end of the round, sl to finish
Round 3:  Chain 1, *2 sc in first st, then sc in next three st* repeat till the end of the round, sl to finish
Round 4 : Chain 1, *2 sc in first st, then sc in next four st* repeat till the end of the round, sl to finish
Repeat until you have the desired diameter, usually the minimum rounds would be 8, with 10 rounds being the maximum.
Make two of these.
With wrong sides together crocheted round the edges in a contrasting yarn in sc, leaving a gap to fill pincushion with stuffing, then complete the closure with sc.
Finally with contrasting yarn sew from the middle of the pin cushion to each of the six corners, pulling the yarn taut to create the scallop effect, see photos to help.  Add a button to complete the pincushion.

And me, a sneak peak at the paper cutting that I have been doing. It is strangely therapeutic and could become very addictive, although can feel I am using different parts of my fingers and hands as the top tip of my pointy finger on the right hand is a little sore now!  I have used a craft knife in the past, but never for anything so small or so fiddly.  Thanks Panda!
♥Have a great Wednesday everyone♥



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