Sugar and salt with a Christmas twist

5th December 

What is it about Christmas that makes us do silly and crazy things?! I don't know, but I do know that Mr H is seriously questioning my sanity...  Last week  I Christmas blinged the salt and sugar.  Grab a coffee and follow me around... this will only take a minute!

A few Christmas' ago, the children made snow globes from old jam jars and some glycerine, great children's activity and I confess to being a jam jar hoarder, anyone else out there?  But as the children had absolutely no desire this year to snow globe with me (they are 15 and 13, they thought I was mad at even suggesting such a thing, I think they maybe questioning my sanity too?!?!) I had lots of jars and nothing to do with them, until...

The beginnings of a festive salt shaker

You will need:

  empty clean jam jar
  Christmas decoration that will fit in the jar with lid on (make sure it is clean)
  glue gun
  some thin sharp implement for making holes, I used a BBQ metal skewer
  hammer or other heavy object to punch implement into lid to makes holes, I used a spanner!

Check your choice of decoration
fits in the jar with the lid on

Once glued in position, let it dry and add salt

A snowman in snow!

Add enough holes for salt to be shaken out,
but not too many so you have a snow storm on your food!
Holes punched ready for salt shaking!

Norwegian Christmas smell...
In our household we also use a lot of vanilla sugar, very easy to make if you cannot get hold of any, just add a split vanilla pod into your jar and it will infuse it's goodness and be soaked up by the sugar.  Not only do we add it to sugar, but it is excellent added to icing sugar and then used to sprinkle onto cakes, pancakes and of course Norwegian waffles.  Give it a try!

Reindeer ready for some sugar action

Vanilla icing sugar

Loving the Christmas flavours
and red in my kitchen at this time of year

How are your Christmas
preparations coming along?


  1. I think homemade vanilla sugar is much nicer than from a shop too :-) You can get little individual sachets here in Germany, but very rarely is it real vanilla. I've not made a jar of vanilla sugar in ages. Thanks for the idea.

  2. Hello Astrid. I totally agree with you. In Norway vanilla sugar can be readily bought and so often people do, it's quick and easy and takes no effort. But making vanilla sugar is so easy and here in the UK we cannot buy it anyway

  3. Fantastic!!!!! I think that you are totally sane and totally wonderful!!! I just love this! You are so creative it is brilliant, and I love the way that you chose festive jars too! xx

    1. Thank you but perhaps I am a little bonkers 😉


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