Loosing my fireplace...

15th May

My Five on Friday this week is extremely eclectic, it matches my blog name and my life!  Life itself has rudely gotton' in the way of my crafting and sanity may I hasten to add this week and so I am feeling somewhat frustrated.  So firstly, here's a little tale about my week to possibly make you laugh.

For two or more years my husband has asked me to get someone in to change one of the wood burning stoves into an open fire place, put a chimney lining in and to renovate another smaller open fire that has quite frankly seen better days.  In exasperation two week ends ago on passing an advertisement banner, at some traffic lights, some miles away from home, he urged me to call the fire place people who were advertising on the side of the road.  As the good wife that I am, take that as you wish, I did and was greeted with a voicemail. 

A day or two later having just come off the phone from my husband, the phone rang immediately again, thinking he had forgotten to give me another instruction on something else, I answered with a very cheery, 'Hello babes,' to be greeted in return with, 'I don't think I am your babes, but have no objection to you calling me that!'  I was mortified and was actually talking to the fireplace man.  I told him what we wanted and could he come and quote, he handed me over to his wife cum secretary to add me into the book.  We found a mutually acceptable date, but I could hear him in the background saying, he was ok to come on that date, even though his wife had obviously forgotten it was his birthday.  She cheekily replied that that was ok as she was sure that I would bake him a cake as I was already calling him babes.  It was all very light hearted and no offense was taken by anyone.

So where is this story going?  Well that's just it, it's going.  What's going?  My mind is going... let me explain.

Some of the pudding available at Pudding night,
you could have as many as you wanted!
Sitting at a pub this week at their pudding club night, oh it was sooo good, with my book club chums,  I feel into panic as I realised that I could not remember when the fire place man was coming.  You know when you have a niggle and it just won't go away, in fact it gets bigger until you do something about it.  I just had to get out my diary, I know I should hold it all electronically and then it will magically upload itself to my pc as well, but I love paper diaries and I cannot get away from them.  No apologies.  So the diary was out and I frantically was flicking back and forth and probably disturbed the flow of the conversation on our table, sorry girls.  But it was to no avail, I had not written it down anywhere, except there was a mysterious lonely jotting down of  '1045' for the following day.  That must be it I thought to myself and put the diary away.

No nothing happened at 1045, perhaps I should have been somewhere, that I am still to discover but certainly no fireplace man came.  Still worrying about this, I sat down and googled all the fire place business' around, as can you guess, I couldn't even remember the name of the company, nor where they were based.  I spent nearly two hours phoning up various places asking if they knew my name, did they think they were coming out to give me a quote and could they tell me when.  I had some very odd conversations and I'm sure they all thought I had lost the plot.  I think I have too.  On my phone, where I had called them from,  the recent numbers were so recent that the fire place number had dropped off the grid and I am still none the wiser as to when he is coming, on his birthday I may add, or what the company is called.  I feel bad, downright bad and uncomfortable about it.  I cannot wait in every day, there is a job to attend, children to ferry around and shopping inevitably to be bought.  He may turn up and I am not here.

So I began all this to let you know that life is getting in the way of pleasure and that in the process I am becoming forgetful and loosing my mind.  There is no hope for me, I'm doomed!

I therefore have very little to show you this week, although coming to the end of the second week of the sockalong and you can see now that I am knitting socks, they are beginning to actually resemble socks.  It is hugely addictive and I am loving it.  These will not be my last pair of socks.  In fact I have other things I must make next, but socks will be coming back onto the needles very soon again and I maybe even more adventurous and go for an intermediate pattern this time!  So my socks are the third thing I am sharing with you today.

I like knitting only so far and then
catching up with the second sock

I might actually try TAAT (two at a time) next

Checking it fits, it's snug, perhaps a
couple of more stiches next time

Yeah, one heel turned and gusset complete,
now onto number 2, all ready for the
last instalment on Sunday of the sockalong

I have actually started a glass fusing course and admit to being addicted.  Cutting, shaping, trying to think from a 2D perspective to a 3D one is very difficult for me, but slowly slowly, it is coming together.  After four sessions, I am getting the hang of it.  A little tease of a glimpse as I feel it's worthy of a whole post in it's own right...

Glass fusing is such good fun
Lastly, for those that wanted to know how we are getting along, the garden is transforming beyond belief.  We have a long way to go, but we are getting there...

Bad weather in the UK or a garden overhaul?

Spot the moved shed, it's not the one on the left!

  In case I forget to post again,
due to my forgetfulness nudge me

Joining in with  Amy  over at Love Made My home sharing five things from my week


  1. Well you certainly made me smile with your tales with regard to the fireplace man. Did you ever establish when he is due to visit? Sounds like me...

  2. Fantastic socks!!! I hope that you sort out the fireplace man! All very mysterious. Have you tried driving past the same place again to see if you can spot the sign? Sorry to be brief today, but thank you so much for joining in despite me being missing. I hope that you have a great weekend! xx

    1. The sucks I'm eased with. Just need to crack on and finish them!!!

  3. This has made me laugh so much! It sounds like the sort of thing that I would do. I love those socks and the garden is looking great. Have a lively weekend x

    1. Thanks Lisa. The garden is a bit of a big project but am hoping week by week there will be progress

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Val. I will post more about the glass soon. It is fast becoming my new favourite thing to do

  5. Hi Selma. I had a laugh in regard to your fireplace story. You are way younger than me but sometimes our mind plays tricks. I do hope you find out when the appointment will be that is if you find the company! I love your socks as they are
    coming along beautifully. Happy Stynnede Mai! Hugs, Pat

    1. I am glad I made you laugh Oat, I had hoped to but I'm still worried about the trucks my mind us playing...

  6. Your story re the fireplaces made me smile. With any luck he will ring before to check if all is still ok and then you will find out - I like the sound of a combined book and pudding club:)

    1. The book club usually takes place at each other's houses and the host cooks dinner but it just so happened that the neighbouring pub was having this pudding night. We did the decent thing and supported the pub. It was a great night Rosie.

  7. OH no about the fireplace man! YOu're not alone, I have been there before too. I now keep everything on the calendar on my smart phone. I swear I couldn't live without now! Lol HOpe you find answers soon. Maybe do a search of companies in your area online and something will ring a bell?

    Your socks are turning out beautifully! Love those colors.

    And love to see a garden coming along. I can't wait to get weather cooperating over here so I can get a jump on it too!

    Happy weekend. xo

    1. You are right Carrie maybe I should make the switch from paper to phone calender...

  8. You definitely made me laugh. If I don't write it down instantly it's gone----forever.

  9. 10.45 .... If you are like me, 10.45 will be the time just written on the wrong day! Try staying in 10.45 the same day the following week! :) If that fails and you miss the appointment tell Babes 2 that his wife must haven't got a little muddled up and written down the wrong time, most men will believe that because we're all the same lol!
    Wren x

  10. the fireplace saga...what a hoot.

    And love the variegated purples you chose for your socks!!

    1. Fireplace. Yes I can laugh now. I love the purples too. X

  11. I'm sure he'll leave a note when he turns up - you'll just have to promise him a cake for the next time. The socks are lovely by the way - well done! I like the idea of pudding club - as much as you want? It sounds too good to be true. Judy.

    1. The pub runs a pudding night once a year and it's always a full house Judy, can't imagine why can you ?

  12. I laughed so much at this! Just like something I would do . . . I like the idea above to drive by and look for the sign. Maybe you can bake something for his birthday; I bet his wife would love that, as she'd get some, too.
    Gorgeous socks and I love your garden! I have not at all caught up, but am working on CAL blanket #3, so there's hope . . . Wish I could learn to go without sleep . . .
    And, in case I forget to come back and check, this if for you:

    nudge, nudge . . . and big hugs. ~ Linne

    1. You are crocheting so much you are putting me to shame. Thanks for the nudge. Remembered to post on Friday...


I will always read all comments and will try to reply but it may take me a couple of days, do please pop back and lets get a conversation going...