A sock along

May 5th  

Many knitters end up knitting socks for one reason or another.  I have always wanted to have a go and there was one aborted attempt early in 2014.  I remember being so excited as the heel with a heart began to take shape but then I came along to joining the gusset of the sock and there  gave up.  I decided I needed to become a better knitter first. 

My first attempt at knitting a sock whilst polishing
off the Christmas sweets in early 2014

As I have decided that 2015 was to be the year I cracked knitting, it was inevitable that socks would feature somewhere along the line.  It was about four weeks ago that I attempted socks for the second time and do you know what, I was feeling more confident and with a few mistakes here and there, they began to shape up.  I even managed the heel and the gusset too!  Fancy that. 

Knitting or crochet I always like to have food to hand!

I was so excited about completing
the heel of the sock

In my haste to finish sock one, I made it too short for my foot and decreased too quickly leaving not enough of the contrast colour for the toe.  I decided to knit up sock two first making the necessary changes, so that  a) it fitted properly b) it looked better. Then I would return to sock one and rectify it to match sock two, can you follow me?!?!

Sock was too short and there was not
enough of the contrast toe colour

Sock one and two, big difference.

Making these socks has been a huge learning curve.  Firstly, not to be afraid and just give it a go and if it goes wrong not to be afraid to start again.  What I forgot to mention here was that sock one was really version number two as I made the sock almost to completion just in blue, when I decided I wanted to add a contrast cuff and toe.  So I frogged it all and started again.  I would never have done this a year or so ago as I would have been too sad to rip up all my hard knitting which takes me so long.  I also learnt how to join the gusset for the first time and how to complete the toe using Kitchener stitch.

I do have a slight dilemma however and I will have to address it soon, but the wonderful Christine Perry over at Winwick Mum blog began to tempt us newbie sock knitters with a three week sock along.  Prior to beginning, we are only in week one, so it is not too late to join in if you fancy, link below, she posted such informative posts about tension, types of needles to use etc. that were so clear and easy to follow that I had no choice but to order some wool and a very short circular needle and stitch markers so that I too could join in.  My dilemma.... my first completed pair of socks are still in the stage where they do not match as I have not had time to go back and change sock one!!!  but have now begun on the sockalong.

Lovely soft wool, but so thin compared to the
wool I used in my previous pair, and look how
short that circular needle is, I'm used to dpn,
this could be very interesting...

Feeling excited and happy and glad to be in a sockalong as it keeps me on top of things as I do not like to be left behind. 

It felt slightly awkard transferring from dpn to a circular needle, but I'm sure I will get the hang of it.

Oh my word.  I feel like a giant knitting on these needles, they are so small and I feel all fingers and thumbs and cumbersome, am really hoping I get the feel for these or I may have to revert back to dpn.  I'll persevere for a bit to see what happens...

Well I am on day two and persevering is the word.  I still feel cumbersome using the short circular needles and on my right hand my little finger cannot seem to find a comfortable position, but the sock is growing quickly, actually quicker than using dpn, I think.

Just another 10 rows and the leg is finished

In my desire to not fall behind I have ordered another short circular needle so that I can begin sock 2 and almost make them simultaneously.  Knitters amongst you will be wondering why I do not use a longer circular needle and use the magic loop to knit two at a time (TAAT).  To be honest at this stage in my knitting career that could be a step too far.  Small tiny steps before I can run, me thinks.

What was very interesting was that is was hard to now locate short circular 2.5mm needles on the internet, there must be a run on with so many in the sockalong.  At last look I saw there were over 600 members in this group from all over the world.  So unfortunately it doesn't look like my new needles will arrive until Monday and I am not sure I can wait that long.  I will have to transfer this sock onto other needles to allow me to begin sock two too!

If you have never knitted socks before but know the basic stitches and have always secretly fancied knitting a pair, I really urge you to join in.  Christine's instructions are so very clear, she uses lots of photographs and she is on hand on the fb page to respond to questions.  In addition she has set up both flicker and raverly groups for the sockalong too.  It's fun and inspiring knitting at the same time as others.  I really didn't think it was my 'thing' but this is the second time I have joined in on crafts with others for a short time and I love it.  The last being the cosy CAL with Lucy from Attic 24    see post here   Come on, join in too, we are very friendly and every one helps each other.  
  Come and join in on the sockalong 


  1. Yay! Another Sockalong member. I'm not up to your standard of knitting but I'm giving it all I've got on DPN's. I've made a couple of little mistakes but it's completely new to me. Most importantly I'm enjoying it. I'm taking my time though and just knitting one at a time. I think I would find it too overwhelming otherwise. I love your wool. X

    1. Superb. So glad you are doing it too. Doesn't matter what you knit on and if I'm honest I prefer dpn for socks although I do love knitting on circular. That's how I learnt but they are so small for socks!

  2. Your socks are going to be just gorgeous in that yarn. (I love your stitch-markers too, by the way.) I'm intrigued by your mini circulars. I love circulars and use them for everything except socks. Where on earth did you find these ones?

    Happy knitting. And lots of health for you and yours.

    1. Internet purchase. They are Hiya needles. Your knitting is just so superior and genius.

  3. I have never seen such a short circular needle. I like using circular needles or dpns and there have been times when I would really have liked a short circular neelde. No point trying to get one now, I suppose! But I will look again in the future. I have knit socks in the past but I mostly crochet now. I made a pair of crocheted socks - actually 5 pair - and really enjoyed that.

    1. I am more of a natural crocheter too. Love the speed and versatility of ot. But really want to crack knitting too.

  4. Hello, I've come over for a look at your blog from Winwick Mum's FB sock-a-long page. I have a blog too. Thought I'd join you here and keep you company. :)
    Anne xx

    1. So very welcome. I popped over to you too. So glad there are so many of us on this sockalong. Enjoy x

  5. Your socks are looking fabulous and once you're completed this new pair, you'll be able to go back and rectify your other pair without any problems, I'm quite sure. Thank you so much for sharing the link, it's lovely to have you joining in with the Sockalong xx

    1. Thanks for stopping by Christine. You have made so many people very happy by instigating this.

  6. I'd love to knit socks, I really would, but I'm not a natural crafter, I've never used anything but long straight needles and most of my knitting and crochet efforts end up in the bin! Love the colour of your current project.

    1. It can be incredibly frustrating. It may help if you can find a buddy to craft with. They you can sour each other in when it seems impossible. I'm lucky and has mamma to always support me. It makes a huge difference. Now that we live so far apart I'm finding social craft meet ups and the internet community very helpful. Hope this spurs you back to trying.

  7. I think you are doing a wonderful job. I gave up sock knitting as I live in Florida so really don't wear them a lot and I suffer severely from second sock syndrome.
    Have fun,

    1. I can understand that socks and Florida do not mix well. So far so good with making up both socks side by side. Onto the gusset of each now. Fingers crossed

  8. Love your socks :) If you're ok with using DPN's to knit in the round maybe having a go at using two circular needles would work for you? I magic loop everything now but two circulars are a good inbetween stage :)

    1. I think as I am now in the two small circulars I will give the magic loop a ho next. I set myself up for a knitting challenge this year and that can be the next. Wish me well x

  9. Oh my gosh.. I cannot knit!! I have tried numerous times in the past 20 years..I end up having hissie fits and throwing it down like a spoiled child!! My mother was a wonderful knitter, but hasn't knitted in quite some time..she is the one who was trying to teach me..I just don't think I have the knitter gene..maybe I will try again..your socks are fab!!xoxo susie

    1. Look up Christine Perrys blog, follow the link and see. It's very clear. Hope you may give it another go Susie.

  10. I've been eyeing some variegated sock yarns at my local shop, and your post has convinced me to give them a try. Thanks for the inspiration!

  11. I've been knitting for years, and I still learned new tricks from this article. The advice on correcting mistakes is presented in a way that's both informative and encouraging. A fantastic resource for knitters of all levels!


I will always read all comments and will try to reply but it may take me a couple of days, do please pop back and lets get a conversation going...