Sucess and failure

25th July

What an interesting few weeks we've had in our eclectic home.  I have been very sporodic in my blogging but hope to be better in the coming weeks, would love you to pop by and share a coffee with me over the summer, you would be most welcome.

This week I share with you both success which are fun and my failures not so much.

I am in Norway this week and the latest craze to take over knitting fantatics here are cotton washcloths, either for kitchen or bathroom use.  They are colourful and soft to the touch, I can see why so many become hooked on them.  In fact there is even a facebook page dedicated to a dishcloth a week.  So whilst in Rome and all that as well as it fitting in neatly with me continuing my knitting challenge of knitting more this year, I set to.

Dishcloths galore, clever mamma

My attempt, thought I would make a nautical one for our boat

It took a lot of concentration

But frogging had to occur again and again

In the end I decided to make a sample to get
the pattern correct.  I managed but could not see
it was an anchor.  Can you? So decided
the pain was not worth it

It was after this disatrous encounter that I felt it would be safer both for my sanity and hurt pride to return to my love of crochet.  Magazines here always have crafty goodness within to make and I fell in love with some serviette ring holders.  A day later and I had eight made.  I am as pleased as punch and now want to make some for all occasions, thinking Christmas next... Over on IG some thought I was making a summer bunting with them. I may just do that too!

The beginnings of serviette rings, colurful and jolly

Cake and coffee place setting

Mocha roulade made, just waiting on the coffee

Crocheted motifs and sewn onto ribbon

On a high from the above I decided to bring out the bunting I began a while ago and to complete it, I am almost done, so hope to have it finsihed by the end of the week, it's looking just how I imagined.

Starting to put it altoghter

Photographing in Norway is so easy, so many great places

In other news from home, the garden is progressing and we are mightliy pleased although we did have a path failure, which I share with you here, it has now been rectified and we are delighted, but this will be another post...

Oh dear, too angular and not the
flowing path I had imagined

And another failure with glass :(  I love glass fusing as some of you may have noticed and I decided to make my uncle a bowl similar to the one here  but on firing it came out with a sharp edged bottom and a tad wonky.  It's ok and I am already using it, but it has to be classed as a failure as I can not give it to the intended recipiant.

Do you have many success and failures?

Have a wonderful week, joining in with Amy,  here sharing my five sucesses and failures with you.  Hope you have time to pop back over the summer, you are most welcome!

♥ Happy summer everyone ♥


  1. It looks as though you have had more successes than failures! I love the crocheted motifs, and would love a whole string of the chillies hanging up in the kitchen, how great would that look! The cloths are fantastic too, you have been really busy making those haven't you. Thank you so much as always for joining in. I hope that you are having a great weekend and time in Norway! xx

    1. Thank you Amy. I did think the chillies would be good and wondered for a change instead of a garland a vertical hanging assortment of them as you can find in some hot county vegetable markets

  2. Hi Selma, it's so good to hear from you as I missed reading your blog posts. I love the dishcloths; you've inspired me to get out my cotton yarn and start making one. The little napkin holders you made are simply adorable. What a cute idea! It looks like you are having a fun time in Norway. My best to you. Pat xx

    1. Pat, did you make any fish cloths? Would love to see what you've made

  3. Your crochet napkin holders look fabulous... and yes, I can see an anchor! I've never tried knitting dishcloths.

  4. Grateful for your honesty as I have had more than my fair share of failures and don't knit at all any more!
    Your crochet napkin rings though have me green with envy! I love them!
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks Christine. I decided it was best to share 'warts and all' as that's true life isn't ?!

  5. Oh, yes, I have just as many failures as successes. Knitting is a total failure for me, tried it several times and just can't get the knack. But I love your dishcloths, so pretty. I do love to crochet and have more success there; your rings and bunting are lovely, as is the bowl, even though it didn't turn out the way you wanted. Have a good weekend :-)

  6. If you don't have any failures, that's because you're not trying anything new or being remotely ambitious. And that would be a pity. You'd probably not be learning much, either. I can promise you that I've had plenty of failures. Anyway, more importantly, your fruity napkin rings are GORGEOUS. love 'em! :-)

    1. I love Phil how you always try new things. Am in awe of your blog and craftiness

  7. More success than failure in your crafting adventures, I love your bunting and the little napkin rings too. I also love the colours you have used in the glass bowl - so pretty:)

  8. I don't think they are "failures" Selma, I prefer to call them "learning experiences". You are so clever and creative and when you make as many things as you do, they can't all be perfect first time. Thank you for an inspiring Five. x

    1. You always know the right thing to say Mrs T. Thank you x

  9. I think your successes far out weigh the failures, which I like to call learning moments by the way. We all have them, and some of mine have been epic learning moments that is.

    1. Epic learning moments. Love that Meredith. Thank you

  10. Love your successes and just jealous of your abilities! Some day I dream of taking the time to really learn and do crochet. I admire those kind of projects so much!! I found you on IG now and am following. ;)
    Happy week ahead! xo

    1. Thank you Carrie. Glad you found me too. I tend to craft in the evenings rather than watch TV

  11. Lovely knitting, I envy you being in Norway and seeing it all that for yourself :)
    what yarn do you use for knitting your dish cloths?
    I think I would be too stingy to use a good quality yarn for something that gets wet and wiped around ;)

    love your crochet makes and the bunting too

    1. I use anything that is 100% cotton. They wash really well and can even be tumble dried. No need to use uber expensive yarn but it does have to be 100% cotton Martha

  12. I don't think your failures are too disastrous - put them down as a 'learning experience' instead. I love the bunting and you are right, photographing it agains that weathered Norwegian woodwork is so picturesque. looking forward to seeing the finished product. Judy.

    1. Glad you like the Norwegian backdrop Judith. I really do too.

  13. The fish and anchor one will work if you knit a plain square (K one row, P one row, repeat), then add the motifs with duplicate stitch. Much faster, I think.

    A friend of mine in BC makes lots of these for Christmas; she buys small baskets at thrift stores, puts in a couple of the dishcloths (to be used as bath scrubbies; excellent for exfoliating, by the way), then tucks in some handmade soap and bath salts (I think she buys these from artisan friends). A nice small candle and sometimes some bath oil or skin lotion and she has a relatively inexpensive gift that everyone seems to love.

    Nice to see that roulade again; I'll look for some green grapes tomorrow. Tusen takk for that recipe. Mum loved it!

    When my Auntie on the west coast (BC) had her 90th birthday in May, her daughter gave a huge party and one of the cousins from Lillehammer was able to attend. Wish I could have met her; it would have been such fun!

    I'm glad you are there and enjoying yourself. And sharing some of the holidays with us, too. ~ Linne

    1. Line, good to hear from you. Sorry for lack of communication. Good tip about the knitting. When I'm in the right frame of mind I may try it. Hope the roulade went down well

  14. I tried knitting a couple of times but it just didn't make sense to me. Love the little crocheted napkin decorations and your lovely bunting. Best wishes, Tammy


I will always read all comments and will try to reply but it may take me a couple of days, do please pop back and lets get a conversation going...