Autumnal Equinox

23rd September

At 0820 GMT the northern hemisphere had it's autumnal equinox and the opposite was true for the southern hemisphere.  What does that mean?  In Latin, the literal translation of equinox means equal night.  So although I have been feeling it for some time the nights are now officially going to be longer than the days and the meteorologists say that we are officially in autumn.  The scientific reasoning in my crude understanding is all to do with the tilt of the earth in relation to the sun. And that today neither south nor north pole are tilted towards the sun, hence we are in an equinox.  From tomorrow, we in the northern hemisphere are titled away from the sun and our nights become longer and the temperature will drop. 

Today therefore I decided to take a stroll through the Oxfordshire countryside and experience this first day of autumn for myself.  There was a slight chill in the air but it was dry and the sun crept out occasionally.  Let me take you for a walk in my neck of the woods...

I prefer the rectangular hay bales but this was a cheery sight today

He popped his out as I approached

Virginia creeper is changing colour already

Such an autumnal colour

Typically English country signage

Local pub

Oxfordshire's rolling countryside

Still colour to be found

Love some of the architecture to be
found in our villages

  Enjoy the equinox wherever you are in the world  


  1. The area you live in looks really nice. I like the photos especially the farm one. The Autumn colours are lovely too.

  2. I have to say your neck of the woods is truly beautiful (and very civilised by the look of that pub). In contrast we have had a dark drizzly day here so I stayed home and made cake. :-) x

  3. Such a lovely walk you have taken us on! What a beautiful place you live in! So nice of you to stop by my blog and now I have found you and following :) x Karen

    1. Thank you Karen, most welcome to have you here xxxx

  4. Gorgeous photos, as always. We're lucky to live in such a gently beautiful part of the world.

    Time to light the fire and begin to contemplate the C-word. (I'm sorry, I can't bring myself to write the whole word in public until at least the 1st of December.)

    1. I'm shocked but delighted Ms Twisted that you are even comtemating the C word. Progress from this time last year.

  5. Lovely! We down here in the Southern Hemisphere are doing the opposite to you.
    ( some of my ancestors came from that area many generations ago )

    1. Ali, autumn is quite possibly my favourite season but this year I'm not ready for her. I'm envious of you Southern Hemisphere people right now.

  6. A really lovely way to celebrate the coming of autumn! xx

  7. Those are lovely pictures. You live in a very beautiful area. Thank you for taking us with you on your walk. I truly enjoyed it... :)

  8. Glorious colours and Gorgeous I check my camera has both memory card and batteries and copy!

    1. Oooh Val. Can't wait to be taken on a walk in your neck of the woods. Sure it will be very different to here

  9. Really lovely photos! The countryside around you is beautiful. Thank you for stopping by my blog.

    1. I do love living here and am often grateful. Thank you x

  10. Such gorgeous images. I love hay bales. They remind me of growing up in an agricultural area. My life is far too urban these days. It is starting to cool off here, finally. I hope to see more signs of autumn around here soon!

    1. Am somewhat jealous BrownUnder of your warmth but autumn colours are beautiful

  11. That's a wonderful autumn walk in the Oxford countryside.Sarah x

  12. Oh my goodness your first day of Autumn was beautiful.

    1. It was a good day yesterday Merefith it's true. And today too for that matter. Had to take another walk in the opposite direction. Need to make the most of these days before the skies turn grey

  13. Beautiful countryside ... beautiful photos! Thank you!



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