A week in the life on an eclectic home

27th November

Weeks are rushing by, we are coming up to my favourite time of year,  the baking run up to Christmas and I have no time to be ill, dam this rotten bug that has had me bed ridden and not myself this week.  As Lady Macbeth said, I'm misquoting here, "Out dam bug, out!"

The weekend was full of fun and frivolity with two wonderful and very different bloggers, pop over to two of my favourite women in Oxfordshire the twisted yarn and  in the nicki of time to see my posts on Blogfest please do pop over to the two posts earlier this week, Blogfest,  Blogfest, the day and  Blogfest, the speakers fascinating stuff and thank you to those who are contributing to the discussions too.  Nerves permitting as a direst result of Blog fest I am going to be tweaking the blog somewhat, some of you may notice my background has changed and I have moved my Twitter feed up to the side bar, please follow there to and help me learn about this social platform, any advice from you on Twitter?  I have also added a side bar for my Instagram, you can click on a picture to enlarge it and see the caption too, I tend to post on Instagram different pictures everyday. Are you on Instagram too?

A great day out meeting and listening to inspirational women and the odd man
Doughty's are wholesale fabric sellers that travel all around the country selling their wares every week.  Some of the material I had seen in a local fabric shop for double the price.  Needless to say I bought far more meters than I needed to but oh so exciting.  Just feast your eyes.  Maybe they will be visiting somewhere near you soon too.

Doughty's fabrics in a local village hall

Until I was a married woman some oh so odd twenty plus years ago I hade never made a Christmas pudding or cake.  Our home was always filled with Scandinavian makes and any English treats we wanted were shop bought.  Marrying an English man who loves to cook my culinary senses were sent into over load and we now have our Christmas pudding tradition and along with many partake in Stir up Sunday.  The last Sunday before Advent when families come together to make the pudding with everyone in the house whether involved in the baking or not, taking a turn to stir the pudding and make a wish.  You do need to begin the night before you make it as the dried fruit needs over night soaking, but its worth it.  We use good old British Delia Smith

Stir up Sunday Christmas pudding

Despite having unseasonably mild weather we had a good frost covering this week too.  The only reason I am happy about this is that I can now go foraging for sloes and begin making sloe gin, yummy!  Do any of you have sloe gin or other alcoholic beverage recipes you care to share with me?  It's the season coming up...

We've had our first frost

On a mid week night we decided to open some fizz with the mother in law, decadent and wonderful.  Bliss

Mid week tipple

I visited a primary school last week and noticed the below display board and was truly shocked at how much sugar was contained in some of these items.  Pardon the pun but it's food for thought.  I have been toying with trying to go sugar free and even bought a book a few months back but it seems so hard.  Have any of you tried to eliminate sugar from your diet? If so how did you go about it and did you notice any benefits?

Shocking amount of sugar

Sharing with you my five photos from this week and cheekily the last one from last week and linking in with the lovely Amy  Do pop over and see what others are sharing.  I love all your comments and sometimes it takes me a day or two to reply, but reply I will as I love the questions and discussions that can evolve. 

  Hope you are all keeping happily busy  
Remember from Tuesday, December 1st, I will be posting daily as is my tradition. 
I would love you to join in with me


  1. I've never been able to get into Twitter, but I'm on Instagram (@craftytke). I think Instagram might be part of the reason I got lazy about updating my blog. It's so quick and easy to post my progress photos on there and I love looking through other people's photos.

    There's been a lot around lately about the effect on the body of using sugar substitutes, how the body reacts as if you've actually put sugar into it. I think sugar, like everything, is fine in moderation :) The problem is processed food - we have no idea really of what's in it. I don't tend to add salt to anything, and processed foods always taste really salty to me. I'm sure it's the same with sugar, if you reduce the amount of sweet stuff you eat, you really start to notice how over sweet things are. We all lead such busy lives, it's hard to avoid processed food entirely. I remember considering buying some uncooked pastry once, when I was in a rush, until I looked at the ingredients - there was all sorts of stuff in there and I had no idea what it was or why it was there.

    1. I love Instagram it's my favourite social media as you say it's quick and fir me seeing everyone's creations is fabulous Shelagh. I agree about processed foods. I had a discussion with my daughter the other day and she thought we didn't have any processed food in our house (we don't buy ready meals) until I mentioned ham, cheese and bacon. It's true these things are salty. But it's the sugar u feel I need to crack. Wish me luck x

  2. I am afraid I do not bother with twitter or instagram. We certainly did do the pudding and made mincemeat too but it was sadly lacking in the stir up as their was only my husband and I around this year.

    1. Ahh but then hopefully all your wishes will come true. Sending love to you @mamamercantile

  3. I am afraid I do not bother with twitter or instagram. We certainly did do the pudding and made mincemeat too but it was sadly lacking in the stir up as their was only my husband and I around this year.

  4. You've had a busy old week Selma. I hope you're feeling much better soon. I'm very much looking forward to your December posts. Your previous Blogfest posts were very interesting. Plenty of food for thought. I have to admit I prefer a simple blog. I enjoy reading about everyday life with some craft inspiration and delicious recipes thrown in. I don't do twitter or instagram so I can't comment on that. Just more of the same please. I love reading your blog. X

    1. Jukes, you are so kind. Thank you. Roll on Tuesday ;)

  5. Shocking about the sugar! Thank you for joining five on Friday, I hope that you have a great weekend. xx

  6. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest have all passed me by, I spent far too much time on the computer as it is and I know I'll only get sucked in if I start on something else. I love the Stir Up Sunday tradition but we don't eat Christmas pudding or Christmas cake so they're things I've never made.

    1. You would get sucked in Jo you're right sometimes I think it's all an evil plot to keep me from crafting. But I do love it ;) you could always those part in Stir up Sunday one year and make lots of small puddings instead of one big one and gift them as presents maybe Jo?

  7. I find it so hard to find time to do anything other than my blog and Pinterest. I love Pinterest for inspiration and for pattern ideas. I am not on Twitter or Instagram, I just don't know where people find the time to do all of that. I am relatively sugar free and have been for 40 years sue to hypoglycemia. I use agave to bake with and that works well as a substitute for honey.

    1. Meredith, how could I have forgotten to mention Pinterest, such a mine of crafting inspiration. Although I try not to go on there too much as I loose an hour or so of time. Using agave is a neat trick may try that in the new year. Thanks Meredith

  8. I just blog. I have tried to give up sugar on numerous occasions but cannot or trying to do so makes me feel unwell so I now try and limit the amount. Joan at www.aviewtothefells.com

    1. I fear Joan giving up sugar for me will be very difficult too

  9. That's a good way of showing the children about the amount of sugar in their sweets. I caught a programme during the week about ready made sauces and their sugar content - the economy one came out the best. Shocking though. Enjoy your Christmas baking and sloe ginning. :-)

    1. It's just criminal the amount of sugar hidden away and I not sure it's even necessary Am really looking forward to the Baking. Will you be baking much?

  10. Love the holiday cheery thoughts about tasty drinks and a yummy Christmas pudding! I can't believe how fast the season is approaching. ;) It is terrible about how much sugar is in everything. It's like an addiction and the body always wants more once we have some.

    I'm so thankful for all my blogland friends and I'm doing a little giveaway. If you get a chance please pop by as I'd love to "give back" just a little that way to one of friends.
    Blessings to you my dear and have a blessed weekend. xo

    1. Thanks Carrie got mentioning the giveaway. It's so generous. Have a good run up to this fast approaching season

  11. If I was younger and still into quilting, I would go crazy in a place with all that fabric. And, spend tons of money. But, alas, I am not quilting anymore. Too bad.

  12. Latane, I could have spent oh so much more...

  13. Wow, the sight of all that material. I'd have been like a kid in a sweet shop! Have a fab weekend x

  14. It is shocking how much sugar is in foods you wouldn't even imagine it to be in. We try to cut down on salt and sugar and I'm always checking labels in the supermarket as we try and avoid palm oil and have to avoid barley too. Blogfest sounds so interesting, I'm not on instagram or twitter just facebook but I don't really like it. We made our cake and pudding on Stir up Sunday too:)

    1. The problem is the more we know the more careful we need to be. I suppose it stems back to everything in moderation doesn't it. But with our buying culture and 24 hour society it's hard to find moderation. FB has a place but it's not like blogging. Instagram is fun though Rosie

  15. I hope you're feeling better very very soon. Being ill is such a waste of time!

    Like you, I came away from Blogfest thinking about how to improve my blog. I'm trying to get my head round Twitter, but I just don't like it at all. Sigh.

    Looking forward to your month of festive loveliness on your blog!

    1. Phil, I do agree with everything. I truly struggle with Twitter and don't even get me started on Buzzfeed. I'm coming to the realisation I won't be a global phenomenon but may just stick with friendly blogging x

  16. Hi Selma, it looks like you have had a fun and busy week. I'm making my first Christmas cake today. The recipe is from Venetia Stanley Smith, a British lady who lives in Japan and has a popular international tv show. I hope you're having a wonderful weekend. Hugs from me, Pat

    1. Ooh Pat, thanks for the tip. I'm going to rush off to look her up. Love finding someone new. X

  17. I am always thinking that I should give up sugar but I like baking too much. I did stir up Saturday instead of Sunday and the house smelt lovely. I do Twitter and Instagram but not very well I'm afraid. I hope you are feeling better and having a good weekend xx

    1. It's terribly difficult isn't it to give up sugar. I love baking but am also able to resist eating it my huge downfall Lisa is chocolate!


I will always read all comments and will try to reply but it may take me a couple of days, do please pop back and lets get a conversation going...