It's all knitting to me

January 27th

Cuff number 2 for the sleeves on my first
knitted jumper in over 20 years!
Suddenly I'm all about knitting and crochet has firmly taken a back seat.  This is a first.  Truly, I never thought I would see the day nor horror of horrors when  picking up a crochet hook last night to test a pattern I was all fingers and thumbs!  Can you relate?
I have so many ideas floating in my head at the moment that I'm like a useless excitable thing and not actually achieving very much.  Time to take a deep breath, slow down and focus.  Maybe I should join the bandwagon and colour in for some mindfulness and peace...

This week I have been continuing on with the surprise 50th birthday jumper for my husband, but all has now come to a standstill as I had not the right size of needles for the next stage, am therefore awaiting delivery of more knitting goodness in the form of wooden colourful dpn.

Not wanting to be idle I have been testing out a few patterns ready to review and share with you all on Friday as the jumper was forcibly on hold, want a sneak peak...

Can you see what it will be?

An almost complete knitted heart

It's been an interesting week so far.  Starting on Sunday, does your week begin on a Sunday or a Monday?  Which camp do you fall into?  Usually I'm a Monday girl but for the sake of this post and what I am about to share with you, it has to be a Sunday.

Sunday I literally began to crack up, I mean literally.  I broke a tooth.  Tears were shed, the family kept their distance and all was not well in our household.  Monday saw  an emergency appointment for a temporary solution with the dentist.  Tuesday in my eagerness to bring an idea to fruition I dashed outside in the dark and slipped on the very wet grass, thus hurting my hip and ankle.  The crochet inspired idea did not work well, so I hurt myself for nothing.  Wednesday (having already cancelled a meet up with Phil from the Twisted Yarn) I returned to the dentist and a splitting headache ensued could have had something to do with the mention of the cost for solution to my broken tooth meaning I had to cancel afternoon work and my glass class.  The week can only get better right...

  Keep knitting and keep calm
will be my motto for the rest of the week 


  1. I'm a knitting gal whose week always starts on a Sunday. I wish I could crochet, but my fingers just won't cooperate. Sorry to hear about the series of mishaps. Here's to a peaceful weekend.

    1. Hope all is well with you Perpetua in Scotland. It's strange isn't it how some peoples week begin in a Sunday and others a Monday, why is that? Hope you have s lovely weekend too x

  2. See it's funny, until I learned to crochet I would have had no clue how to construct a knitted heart, but it's obvious now lol They look fab :)
    Ps found you via Amy at lovemademyhome

    1. It's great to be able to knit and crochet isn't it. Depending on my mood friends on what I choose to do either knit or crochet. Thanks for coming over here from Amy's, you are most welcome Jill x

  3. You poor dear!!! It seems as though it is grot week in our part of the world, although at least I haven't done myself a physical injury - yet. Do take good care of yourself, I hope that you and all your body parts and teeth will soon be much better. Big hugs and lots of love to you my dear! xx

    1. So do I Amy, so do I. Hope life for you is a little less grey today too

  4. Oh, I do feel your pain, hate going to the dentist under the best circumstances, a cleaning, but to be in pain, have it cost too much, is even worse.

    1. I don't actually mind the dentist not needed any work doing for over 20 years so this has come as a big shock I must admit Janet And the cost, whoa, phenomenal is all I can say

  5. I admire your ability to do both crochet and knitting. I'm hopeless at crochet. I'm sorry your week has had so many mishaps, especially the dental emergency. I despise the dentist, and yes, what they charge is enough to make you weep.

    1. Thanks Kristie, you say you admire me but your knitting g is wonderful, mine not so much. Yes, I could easily weep at the estimated cost they have mentioned...

  6. On goodness what a start to the week and there's still a couple of days to go. I hope your wool arrives soon so you can stay in the chair and knit with less chance of disaster ensuing. Take care x

    1. So do I Karen. Sitting and knitting g surely nothing can then go wrong?

  7. I think it's probably my age (70 this year). When I was little everyone said the week began on Sunday and all calendars and diaries were formatted that way. I'm guessing the Monday start to the week may be an American import.

    1. Now that is an interesting thought Perpetua. Thanks for coming back to me on this. I may try and did further to find out. Love to know these snippets,don't you ? Hope all well your end x

  8. I well know that feeling of having so many ideas ..... I'm trying to write a blog post, and keep getting distracted!

    I hope your needles arrive quickly, so you can return to the safety of your knitting.

    Argh! Teeth, don't talk to me about teeth! I do feel for you, I hate having any dental work done! I had an appt at the dentist in June but cancelled because my back was so bad - haven't had a chance to go since!

    I think I'm more of a knitting gal, but I'm not brilliant at either, and my week definitely starts on a Monday.....Sunday has always been a day of dread..preparing for a week of work and all it holds!

    Take care out there!

    Barbara xx

    1. Sunday dread definitely resonates as preparatory work for teaching the following week Barbara. Glad I'm not the only one who is easily distracted...

  9. I am band from knitting and crochet for the next 6 weeks took a fall and damaged the tendon in my wrist really frustrating as a friend of mine has just introduced me to loom knitting now everything is all on hold boohoo

    1. Oh no Margaret. So sorry to hear this. But you must listen to the advice as tendons not healed properly is no joke. Loom knitting sounds interesting. I'm off to look up what that is. Heal well and quickly my friend.

  10. I am band from knitting and crochet for the next 6 weeks took a fall and damaged the tendon in my wrist really frustrating as a friend of mine has just introduced me to loom knitting now everything is all on hold boohoo

  11. Hope your week improves Selma. Looking forward to seeing the finished jumper x

    1. Thanks Mo, surely it can only get better? Hope all good where you are. Must catch up on your blog ASAP

  12. I love heartS and I love purple. sorry ....tooth issues are the WORST for me

    1. Yeah Kathy! Kindred spirits. I love hearts too, in fact my Friday post this week is all about hearts. I think they look good at any time of the year, don't you?

  13. It is the weekend now, I sure hope it is better than the week you had. Hope you are not in any pain from your tooth, hip, ankle or anywhere else. Sometimes I have to knit and sometimes I have to crochet, it is fun to have the ability to do both.

    1. My sister arrived for work here in the UK (she lives in the U.S.) and so was able to come here just for the weekend. That has cheered me up so much Meredith. Sending love your way x


I will always read all comments and will try to reply but it may take me a couple of days, do please pop back and lets get a conversation going...