Sunlit Sunday 2016

January 17th  

Last year at this time I joined in with Karen to share happiness and inspiration in these dark months.  Each week looking for and thinking for something to post suitable with the title 'Sunlit Sunday'  And do you know what?  It made the dark weeks and months sunnier.  I loved and looked forward to this year.  Without further ado, here is my first 2016 Sunlit Sunday post...

After weeks and weeks of rain as if by magic
the sky changed and blue was to be seen

View from my bedroom window

I decided to venture out as the sky was blue taking a walk with Sunlit Sunday in mind, come follow with me, but wrap up warm, it's cold out here... 

As I left home I spotted my shadow immediately,
perfect for the Sunlit post

It's been a while since I saw my shadow...

Looking back I spied the warm glow of the sun

The longer I walked the higher the sun rose

Until I ended up at the church...

...and popped into the churchyard on this sunny morning to visit a famous grave

Agatha Christie, died 40 years go this month, on 12th January

She is buried under her married name
but her grave is easy to spot as you can see...

Notice the posy of flowers, left there earlier this
week in memory of her dying 40 years ago this week

Several celebrations of Agatha Christie's life have taken place recently in and around where we live in rural Oxfordshire and more is on the way... Agatha week end

Returning back, the nodding daffodils
(out much too early) welcomed me home

♥   Wherever you are in the world despite any weather you maybe having may your week be 'sunny' 

So joining in with Karen for the first Sunlit Sunday post of 2016
see what other sunny posts there are:  Sunlit Sunday


  1. Gosh, I had no idea that she was buried there. Did she live in the village?
    Thank you for taking us with you on your beautiful sunlit walk.

    1. She did indeed Phil. Has a blue plaque on the house too. Her grandson still lives there

  2. Beautiful photographs Selma. The colour of the sky on your picture of the church is stunning. X

    1. I think you may have snow in your neck of the woods today Jules. If do have a sledge got me. Very jealous

  3. What a lovely walk! I especially love the mossy roof in the first photo.

    1. Thank you. I never know whether to take the miss off the roof or leave it. I'm afraid if I try and take it off the old times will break and crumble...

  4. You certainly took us on a beautiful walk. The daffodils are so early such a shame with the drop in temperature and harsh frosts they won't last long.

    1. I cannot believe that my daffodils are out before the snowdrops this year. It's so bizarre

  5. Great photos, and thank you for taking us to Agatha's grave, a place I've always wanted to visit.

    1. Then next time you are on this side of the pond you must visit Janet and we must meet up

  6. What a lovely series! The first two photos are especially nice in colors... and: you have blooming daffodils???
    Have a great new week

  7. Thanks for your visit and comment. I am in love with anything European. Ancestors came from England and Whales. A great walk and so great photographs. Love the roof top photos too. So glad I found you. I crochet and do a lot of crafts also. I will visit again.

    1. Glad you found me too Peggy. Welcome back anytime for a coffee and chat x

  8. I was enjoying the beautiful sky, the mossy roof, the sunlit door and then you completely surprised me by showing me Agatha Christie's grave. Didn't she leave a remarkable legacy! I think I'll add her to my reading list. Thank you very much for joining in with Sunlit Sunday again this year.


    1. I need to thank you Karen. Sunlit Sunday has really reminded me to look out for and appreciate the little things. Thank you x

  9. Beautiful photos. Doesn't Agatha have a beautiful headstone????

    Wishing you a happy and sunny Sunday!

    1. She dies indeed Dee. She really does. We've been watching some TV shows based on her stories this week in honour of her too

  10. I learned something new today about Agatha Christie! I love how the sun "sneaks" in where-ever you go. Fun shadow! Happy Sun Lit Sunday!

    1. It did seem to follow me and 'sneak' in as you say. Lovely thought that x

  11. So wonderful to see the sun! Beautiful photos, lovely end of your garden!! Interesting too to see Agatha Christies gravestone, I didn't know here middle names before. I am reading another of her books at the moment! xx

    1. I have visited her grave several times and always forget her middles names. I should re read some of her books too Amy, instead this weekend we watched a Poirot in her honour

  12. Agatha Christie's gravestone is very beautiful and ornate. I'll have to look up just where this is located. It's a lovely spot for a walk and I'm glad you saw some sunshine along the way!

    1. It certainly is ornate Lorrie. Hope you have some sunshine too this week x

  13. A lovely walk & photos, it was interesting to see Agatha Christie's grave stone x

  14. Lovely walk and photos, and I also didn't realise Agatha Christie was buried there.
    I especially like the first picture of you and your shadow, looks like you are stepping through a magical gateway.

    Maureen Xx

  15. I enjoyed my winter walk with you in the sunshine.
    I can tell the air is crisp by the clear blue sky.
    I love the light at that time of year too and the interesting shadows.
    I'm an Agatha Christie fan - she has a lovely headstone and so nice to see she is remembered with the pretty posie and other flowers.

    1. You are so right Shane about the air being crisp it's as if you could almost cut it. I'm a huge fan of shadows and this is the perfect time for them, I agree. Glad you were interested in Agatha

    2. Sorry Shane, something is playing up as it wouldn't let me add more to the previous comment! Agatha is well remembered around here, I don't think there is any fear she will be forgotten or left in the shelves

  16. Selma, I love all your photos, but especially the ones of Agatha's gravesite. I have read nearly everything she wrote plus a biography or two. How lucky you are to live in 'her' village' to walk by her home ad to be able to visit her grave.

    I think that posting about Sunlit Sundays at this time of year is both inspired and inspiring; thanks very much for the light and cheer.

    ~ Linne

    1. Linne, so wonderful to have you back. You've been missed x. I totally love the theme of Sublit Subdays and all week I've been thinking about it. It really makes you appreciate the smallest of things that I'm sure I would have 'seen' but not necessarily dwelled upon as a golden treasured moment. All these irks moments add up and for me help my well being. XXXX

  17. Beautiful photos,


I will always read all comments and will try to reply but it may take me a couple of days, do please pop back and lets get a conversation going...