Sunlit Sunday 3

January 31st

Some weeks are easier than others to search for and find the sunlight in your own life.  This has been one of those weeks for me.  I am being totally self centred and all my problems are first world ones and so really I should just shut up and put up but sometimes it's hard.  Do you know what I mean?  I continue to be grateful for Sunlit Sundays because despite the way my week panned out it made me really search for and look for the brightness and lightness around me, and even when feeling blue, it worked and it began to cheer me up.

On Tuesday I had a mad idea that I missed nature too much and so I dashed outside in the dark to find a couple of leaves and to play with them along with some yarn.  In my enthusiasm I slipped over the very wet grass, it has rained here for weeks on end and ended up hurting myself quite badly.  Not to be beaten I did start to crochet around the leaf but my heart wasn't in it by then and it was harder than I expected. Nature and yarn did not want to play with me either. 

Nature and crochet?!?!?
In searching for happiness and 'sunlit' thoughts and ideas, in a twisted way these old 'should have been thrown away before' tulips actually made me smile.  You see I am not my normal self this week. I love the shadows that the dried opened out petals created below though... 

Modern art in flower form?

But truly I found my one and only 'sunlit' moment on Thursday.  When after having three quite disastrous things happen to me, the sun came out in all it's glory.  It was still cold, but there was no rain, there was however lots of cold wind but it didn't deter me.  I donned on my down filled jacket, made my lunch and moved the chair and table onto the middle of the lawn and sat eating peacefully all alone in the sunshine.  It was sheer heaven.  I may have been a tad cold but my face raised itself up to that elusive yellow ball in the sky and I drank in the vitamin D.  This was the best I felt all week and thank goodness for it. 
I found my sunlit moment. 

The sun created such crisp shadows

Joining in with Karen for Sunlit Sunday. Pop over and see what others are sharing:

        ❤️ Hoping the sun shines for you            
           wherever  you are this week  ❤️


  1. I am glad you have found your little bit of happiness this week. I like sitting out in the fresh air but have not done so in such a long while, perhaps I should. Have a good week Leah x

    1. It really helped me Leah, give it a try. Sending sunlight your way...

  2. Oh my dear, I'm so sorry that you've had such a thoroughly horrible week. Is your tooth mended?

    On a happier note, your crochet leaf idea is genius! Maybe we could take it further too and adorn other things from nature? I've seen pebbles crocheted. (I'm thinking of our joint project here, of course.)

    Wishing you sun (OK, that's probably a bit too ambitious), and joy, and peace, and HEALTH.

    Much love, Px

    1. That was exactly why u ran out to the garden Phil, I was thinking about our chat and what we are doing and wanted to try the idea out... Tooth only temporarily fixed. Will be another 3-4 weeks :(

  3. In winter it is harder to find the sunshine moments - you did well!
    Good on you for staying outdoors - Vitamin D and fresh air can work wonders!
    Sending warmth and sun from down under!

    1. Thank you Shane. Hope you manage to keep cool in the Southern Hemisphere x

  4. Lovely to have lunch in the sunshine. Hope you find more sunny moments next week.

  5. Let's hope next week is much sunnier and better with less sliding over. It's blowing a gale here at the moment maybe to whoosh away the clouds. x

    1. Indeed Jaten. The indentation of the long grass shows clearly my body sliding along the lawn! Quite embarrassing

  6. I hope the vitamin D made you fell better. I love the tulip -- I think Mother Nature is beautiful in all her stages. Happy Sun Lit Sunday!

    1. Snap! Couldn't agree more Mother Nature is so very clever

  7. What an inspiring post. I have felt this way many times in my 78 years and sunshine is a wonderful treatment. My doctor told me I had a low Vitamin D and now I take 4000 meq, a day of Vitamin D3. She stressed the importance of the D3. Love the crochet around the leaf. I crochet and will give that a try. Blessings and wishes for a better week.

    1. Let me know how you get on with leaf crocheting. Would love to see the results. I think I should definitely take D3. Going to look into that

  8. When I wake up in winter and the sun is shinning I know it's going to be a good day. Hope you didn't hurt yourself too much when you fell.

    1. I am totally with you on that thought Janet I'm licking my wounds so getting better thanks x

  9. Your quiet moment in the sun looks lovely.

  10. Sorry that your week didn't work out as you hoped. I do hope that next week will be much better for you. Keep looking towards the sun and the shadows will fall behind you as someone else told me. Take care of yourself. Hugs. xx

  11. I sure hope this week is much better for you, no more injuries okay?

    1. I'm trying Meredith. Thanks for looking out for me x

  12. Well, I am glad you found your sunlit moment despite your other setbacks this past week. Hope this new week is good...

  13. Awww, I'm sorry you've had a bad week. I know that feeling of having one of your first springtime meals outside though! Eating in the outdoors dressed in a parka is just one of those simple pleasures that everyone needs to experience. I do hope this week turns around for you, and you are quite recovered from your fall. Take care,

    1. Thank you Wendy. Just need a few more early moments to have the joy of eating outside again and all will be right in my world

  14. I can identify completely. Also a horrid week for me but a few sunlit moments snuck through. I'm starting Febuary in a more sanguine mood (plus it's no longer dry January so I have an outlet if I need!). Hope your new month brings more sunlit moments x

    1. Sorry it's been hard for you too Sharon. Here's to s MUCH better February

  15. Hope you feel better soon ...and I hope the Sun comes out xxx

  16. It's wonderful how those few moments of snatched sunlight and peace can alter one's perspective. So glad you found your moment.
    I enjoy the tulips once they dry out, too. Their petals contort into such fantastically graceful twists.

    1. It's so true Lortie how the fun changes ones mood and thoughts.

  17. I'm sorry you had a rough go of things last week, but am happy that you made of point of finding some sunlit moments and that, in doing so, you felt better. The shadow pattern from the tulip leaves in beautiful! Crocheting around the leaf is such novel idea and looks very pretty. Finally, good for you for having a winter picnic! The fresh air really can help our mood. I hope your injury is healing.


    1. Thanks Karen. Definitely 'searching' for sunlit moments helps at this time of year


I will always read all comments and will try to reply but it may take me a couple of days, do please pop back and lets get a conversation going...