Humble half term antics

February 19th   

This year for the first time ever my husband lept out of bed last Sunday mumbling he had to dash downstairs as he'd left my Valentines present in the study. A slow silly grin began to appear on my face as I thought to myself wow, we've never exchanged presents before... 

I should have known and he swears he did not say present but that he had mumbled card and within a few minutes tea and coffee in hand he produced (for him) a beautifully newspaper wrapped gift...

Still grinning from ear to ear I began to open. He had gone to so much trouble. What have I done to deserve such a man. What was my gift-cum-card...

... an engraved parsnip!

An engraved heart With blue food coluring

A 'V' for Valentine

See I am loved and we both had a good giggle whilst drinking our morning cuppas in bed. Hope you all had an enjoyable day last Sunday too. Oh how he still makes me laugh all these years on. 

What else has half term produced this year, well as always a much nicer me. I become less frantic and calmer not being ruled by the clock and the beginning of the week was taken up with dentist and eye appointments but with those out of the way the week has gone from strength to strength. 

My latest glass fusing antics this week have led me to decide I am going to produce an entire cake plate range throughout the year. My first cake plate I present to you now. 

Plate before firing

...and after firing

The inspiration to cake plate making was my
glass cake dome, it needed some 'wow', I think I may have found it

The week saw us also jump on a plane to visit mamma in Norway and despite the extremely mild winter the south of Norway have experienced this year, the weather gods were on our side and it snowed for us. We donned the skis and managed some sledging too all in the dark. Adds a frisence of excitement. 

Apologies for bad quality photos the
camera phone did not like the conditions!

Fun in the snow

And what would our visit be without eating traditional food, it has to be waffles as far as the children are concerned. Being with bestemor means they are spoilt and why not?

Home made waffles as soon as they were
off the waffle iron they were eaten,
I couldn't manage to photograph a whole stack!

Home made Bestemor strawberry jam
on some and chocolate spread on others!

And what would half term be for me without a little crafting... I finally began and finished the Shaun the sheep hat after a false start. Having begun the hat I frogged it not liking the yarn I had chosen and opted to buy the correct colour rather than using from my stash. I'm pretty pleased with the result although I feared it was too small half way through and thought it might need to be frogged again. But I continued my heart not really in it as I thought I was wasting my time. However I have been rewarded with a perfect fit. Just hope my husband likes it when he recieves it tomorrow.

I know it's half term when I'm knitting in bed in the morning

Beginning to grow but looks a tad on the small size!

Shaun the sheep beginning to shape up nicely

Apart from fastening off, it's done!


Joining in with  Amy  for the first anniversary of the beginning of 5 on Friday, do pop along and see what others are sharing and remember Amy has a giveaway this week too!

I must apologise for not having responded to all comments from last week yet, I will reply to each and everyone as I always do, but am a tad behind this week, sorry again!
Please do not let that stop you chatting with me, I love it more than you know x

Wishing you all a fun filled week ahead



  1. I love the break from routine that half term gives, too, and knitting in bed in the early mornings is one of the things I love about winter. Your Shaun hat looks fab, it made me smile, well done. And as for the cake plate, it's stunning! I am glad you have made the most of the holiday. x

    1. Glad I'm not the only one who likes to knit in bed. It's a guilty pleasure and one I only really do if I'm not with my husband!

  2. I just love the hat and your cake plate is absolutely beautiful. Cannot wait to see what you come up with next. xx

  3. Oh those men :)))) Your cake plate is really beautiful!

  4. Glad you had a nice relaxing week. Love the hat! Those waffles look delicious, I think it's time to get a waffle maker :) Have a good weekend. Barbara x

    1. Ooh Barbara you should get a waffle maker. You won't regret it

  5. A brilliant five Selma. Your plate looks great, just as if you've put real flowers in. What a scream - the parsnip - it's the thought that counts isn't it! Glad you had a good trip. x

  6. How very special to receive the decorated parsnip. Your plate is wonderful. It sounds as if you have had a lovely relaxing week:)

  7. What a delicious and fun post, Selma! Your new cake plate is really beautiful and Shaun the sheep looks so cute. :)
    Have a lovely weekend! xx

  8. Wow, that cake plate is beautiful, can't wait to see what you make next. The hat looks fun too. Glad you enjoyed half term. Hx

    1. Thanks Helen. Planning on a while seasonal range of plates. I'm excited too x

  9. The engraved parsnip made me giggle. Sledging in the dark, I haven't done that since I was about 12, it was very memorable as it was a full moon and a barn owl flew silently overhead. Love Shaun too

  10. A thoughtful Valentine's present. Ha Ha! You've certainly had an exciting half term. The cake plate is beautiful. The Shaun the Sheep hat is great and a lovely colour choice. Enjoying your blog. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thank you thank you thank you for saying you are enjoying my blog Linda xxxx

  11. What says love better than an engraved parsnip--gotta love a man with a sense of humor. Your cake plate is wonderful!!!!

  12. Your hat is fabulous. I love your Valentine's present, a lot of effort went into that. The snow in Norway looks perfect. I love half term too, have a lovely weekend xx

    1. Thanks Lisa. I think he was quietly proud of his effort too

  13. What a fun week! Wish I could have come to Norway with you :) - looks lovely.

  14. Greetings Selma, your Valentine gift gave me a laugh. I loved seeing your beautiful glass plate; the design is amazing. Looks like you had a wonderful time in Norway. Tomorrow my Norwegian group is meeting for a soup and sweater lunch. We're suppose to wear our Norwegian sweaters but it going to be in the 70's which is a bit warm to wear a sweater. Enjoy your weekend, Pat xx

    1. Hope lunch went well and you didn't all swelter Pat. I would so live to be able to join you all one time...

  15. Sounds like you made the most of your time off. Love that sheep cap! So cute...
    Yikes! That cake plate is amazing. Beautiful choices.
    I'm chuckling about the parsnip. It's good to be able to laugh together especially as the years go on...
    Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. I thinking laughing can cure lots of problems Ellen. I'm lucky with my husband that way x

  16. Love the Parsnip Valentine ...the very thought makes me grin :o)
    I'm glad you could get away to Norway ...and the snow fell yessss! we are breaking our record for longest period with no snow at this time of year :o(
    We have that waffle iron! My husband loves Norwegian cast iron baking goodies ..and it's easy to see why.
    We do however have lots of ice ...and I've just worn out one set of ice cleats/ yaktrak this year which is a first!

    The glass plate is quite beautiful have a real talent there.

    1. Gosh Val that really does sound like you have a lot of ice. That's incredible To say the least. I'm not sure about having talent but glass fusing is tremendous fun

  17. Such a lovely post Selma... It made me laugh. And your plate is stunning. I love it!

    1. Then Gina I am happy. Love to make people laugh. I don't often succeed so I'm delighted thank you.

  18. So sweet and lovely!
    And the cake plate ist my absolute favorite...
    Have a nice weekend

  19. Your cake plate is fabulous.
    Oh that snow looks so nice and cold and lovely.
    Hope you enjoy the rest of the half-term break.

  20. Your Valentine's present is funny, sweet and quite unique. It made me smile too. Hope your husband likes the Shaun the Sheep hat, I think it's great. The plate is stunning and makes a really fab cake dome. Well done! Hope you enjoy the rest of half-term.

    1. Marion he loved his hat and has already when it outside. I'm delighted x

  21. Gosh what a busy and lovely week. I love your valentine's gift what fun, and how nice to jump on a plane to visit Norway. Your plate is beautiful and I love the hat. :)

    1. It has been a hugely successful week Linda. But least as I was able to see mamma for the first time this year x

  22. Your husband is a funny fellow! I hope that he likes his hat! I hope that you had a wonderful time in Norway with your Mama, great times I am sure!! Love love love your cake plate! Too adorable!!! Thank you so much for joining in the anniversary of Five On Friday, I really do appreciate it so much! Have a good weekend! xx

    1. He truly is funny Amy, there's no doubt about. Love joining in With you 5 on Friday x

  23. I think your parsnip Valentine is delightful. It looks like the director in front of a potato choir.

    As a lover of dishes, I have to say that your lavender cake plate is truly magnificent. I've never seen this technique and like the results a lot more than painted ceramics. I hope we'll be seeing more of your creations in the future.

    1. Ha! Patsy your comment about the parsnip made me smile.
      So glad you like the glass fusing technique it's really fun and exciting as you never quite know how will it turn out after firing

  24. What wonderfully fun Valentine's presents :) It is a fun post altogether. Snow, waffles and the plate is gorgeous, well done.


    1. Thank you Diana. An exceptionally great week indeed

  25. What a delightful visit in Norway. I would love some of those waffles, myself. They look so yummy. And, the hat. You did a fabulous job. Your post just made me smile ...

    1. So glad you smiled Latane. I love the variety of different posts that everyone is writing too

  26. All such wonderful things happening for you this week! What a sweetheart to gift you with an engraved parsnip?!! Romance at its best ;)
    Your cake plate looks so pretty, but you'll have to put just cupcakes in between the blooms so as not to cover their prettiness. We used to toboggan on a great hill at night too ... best memories of cold winters walking through the woods with just the moonlight lighting our way to the village park with the hill. LOVE the sheep hat!! My husband would never wear something like that (only dark grey or black!!), but I love it when you see someone is brave enough and fun enough to do so :)

    1. John loved your comment Wendy. You've made his day

  27. IT sounds like a perfect week! Lots of fun and love spread around, and I have to say topping it all of with that great hat is brilliant.

    1. Thank you Meredith. I am very pleased with the hat especially as john loves it

  28. What a wonderful varied half term. The cake plate is amazing and the colours so vibrant after firing. Shaun is brilliant too and the parsnip made me smile.

    1. Thank you Annie. We certainly seemed to have packed lots in but it felt good not rushed at all which is surprising. Feel good and chilled.

  29. How clever was your hubby with the parsnip? That's so cute. The cake plate is just gorgeous! And the Shaun the Sheep hat - too cute. A lovely 5 things.

    1. Sometimes Lori, just sometimes he's too clever for words!

  30. Your cake plate is beautiful, what a talented lady!

  31. Looks like you had a great time in Norway! Love the parsnip! Your cake plate is fantastic! And your Shaun the sheep hat is just the cutest!!!

    I made DH a hat one year! It started stretching as soon as he wore it, guess I got the wrong type of wool!

    Hope you are enjoying your weekend!

    Barbara xx

    1. It happens to us all Barbara at one time or another. Just recently I was carried away making what u thought was a lovely cowl for a friend but it's not useable. The wool is way too scratchy to be close to the neck. Sigh. Onwards and upwards!

  32. Oh those parsnips did make me laugh. Gifts like these that produce laughter produce much happier memories than the usual roses and chocolates :) I love the hat, you are so clever, and the plate is beautiful. Have a great week ahead x

    1. You have absolutely hit the nail on the head Chel. Memory making moments x

  33. that parsnip is fantastic!

    my mum and dad got married in Norway, they have a lovely old waffle iron, love the heart shapes it makes xxx

    awesome hat too!

    1. Oh wow! Where did they get married in Norway? And if not too impolite to ask, why? It's s beautiful place that's for sure x

  34. Indeed lots of things to make you smile, the cake plate is beautiful, elevated further with the dome. I love the snuggly hat, the Baa Baa appeals to the Welsh in me.

    1. Glad you like the sheep hat Shaheen. I have my eye in the one from last year from Shetland yarn week. Had lots of sheep on also!

  35. Oh that parsnip is hilarious! You have to hand it to him for thinking on his feet, Selma! Love the glass cake plate, you are a clever thing! xx

  36. Gorgeous cake plates. You are a talented one! The trip looks fabulous.

  37. I'm in awe of how much you achieve each week. But to respond to things individually...

    Your glass work continues to be STUNNING. You realize you have a real talent, don't you? Can you tell that I'm envious? Please never stop working with glass.

    That hat is deeply, deeply cool. If there's a burglary at your house and the only things taken are that hat and the cakestand, you'll know it's me. (I might have to also take your grass-like rug to appease the twinnage.)

    Glad you got to experience some SNOW. What's it like? I scarcely remember the stuff.... Sigh.....

    The Valentine's gift... He certainly wins points for originality...


I will always read all comments and will try to reply but it may take me a couple of days, do please pop back and lets get a conversation going...