And breathe, it's finished!

April 25th

I knew this jumper would take a long time to knit 1) it had to be done whilst my husband was away as it's a surprise birthday present 2) it's the first large project I have knitted in over twenty years, yes you read that right, 20 years!!!  What was I thinking? 

Anyway, it's done, I'm relieved and in actual fact I really enjoyed it, well not towards the end as it became a chore to make sure it was completed in secret and on time! I managed with 10 days to spare, not bad eh?  Let's forget I began at the end of January and it has taken me weeks and weeks of intermittent knitting.  It seemed as soon as I began this project my husband decided to not be away on business as much, do you think he knew and was trying to thwart me?!!?  Only just thought of that...

Would you like to see?  Just don't look too closely as my tension is all over the place, I wouldn't win any prizes and thank goodness for blocking, because doesn't that hide a multitude of sins...

Love knitting on dpn

Checking for size as I couldn't try it out on John

Frogging for me is part of the course, sigh

Starting the coloured work

Stitch markers make life so much easier

Hoping the blocking can sort out the tension

My daughter trying it on for size for me

Phew, blocking helped the tension

My first knitted jumper in over 20 years

Ready for wrapping

  Let's hope he likes it 
 Just realised it's closer to 30 years since I knitted a jumper
or anything so large, *gulp* where did those years fly to?


  1. Oh Selma. It's beautiful! (in a manly way of course). He is bound to be absolutely thrilled with it. What a lot of time, effort and love must have gone into it. If I had made it I'd be keeping it for myself. ;-) x

    1. Thanks Jules. I did wonder whilst knitting it if he would realise how long it's taken! But what do get for a 50 year old who didn't really need anything? That's when I came up with my time and love... Hence the jumper

  2. What a gorgeous jumper, I'd love it and he will too.

  3. Well I'm impressed, hope your husband likes it.

  4. It is a beautiful jumper, well done. I have never knitted anything for a man, just little kids and myself. It does take a long time but it is so worth it for a unique gift. x

    1. I've made the odd hat for him before. He loved the Shaun the sheep hat but this is a whole new lot of making. I'm nervous but excited at gifting it

  5. How wonderful, made with love so I am sure he'll love it.

    1. Well that's my plan mamamercantile. Let's hope it works

  6. It's amazing! The colour work is just so gorgeous, I would never have the patience, I really admire you :) I'm sure he will love it 😀

    1. Thanks Jill I'm really pleased with the colours. Totally different to the pattern I used which was cream as the main body. I really only tend to make small projects do was very nervous that I would not last the course. It was surprisingly easy

  7. LOVE that jumper, love the colour and pattern. Blocking hides a multitude of my knitting sins! Let us know what he thinks. My son keeps asking me to knit him a jumper, like you, it is a long time since I knitted something so big so he's making do with socks instead for now!
    Caz xx

    1. Thank goodness for blocking is what I say Caz. Give making the jumper for your son a go. If like me you will be pleasantly surprised at how rewarding the making was

  8. It looks brilliant! I think you've knitted it very quickly considering having to hide it all the time. x

    1. Thanks Katen. At one point it was very frustrating as I could not knit on it for about 2 weeks!!

  9. Very nice. I do hope he likes it!

  10. It's fabulous. He's sure to like it.

  11. He is going to love it, the sweater is brilliant.

  12. It is fabulous!!! I am sure that your husband will love it a great deal and enjoy wearing it. The colourwork is fabulous!!!

    1. Amy I really hope so. Hope it's not relegated to the back of the wardrobe. Only time will tell


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