Meditative mandala madness

April 19th

Ok so I'm late to the party, so shoot me, no please don't take me literally.

Spring colours
I'll stop being silly. This post is all about mandalas.

If like me you are ignorant about Mandalas, then let me share with you what I have gleaned over the past year.

What is a mandala? 
They were first mentioned around the 4th century in Tibet and in Sanskrit the literal translation means circle. But what is a mandala? A mandala has its origins in the spiritual world and Buddhists see it as a journey from suffering to joy.  The circle is to represent a balance of unity and harmony, thus it is a concentric structure.  The detail within the circle helps to absorb ones mind and is an attempt at almost being hypnotic in its complexity and design.  The aim is to slow the mind down and to allow it to be still and calm and to try to focus the analytical mind to take a nap.  A mandala is a tool to help serve us on our spiritual journey of healing within.  Tibetan Monks after 9/11 travelled to NY  and began creating a sand mandala.  It took ten days to produce the mandala, made of many colours of sand to help New Yorkers begin their journey of healing.  Today we crochet mandalas, knit them even and more popular has become the 'mindful' colouring in of mandalas, all with the same goal, to slow us down and give inner peace.

Last year whenever I looked at my blog reading posts or delved into the world that was Facebook and glanced at IG, crocheted mandalas were popping up everywhere.  If memory serves me correctly it was the wonderful Zelna in South Africa that first drew my attention to the crochet craze of 2015.  Next up was Lucy over at the Attic and I promised my self I would whip up a mandala and send it along with the hundreds of others that whizzed their way over to her for the Yarn get together that is Yarndale in Yorkshire, but I failed miserably.

So it was with great irritation that I learnt that the latest photo challenge I am in was to have us all posting a crocheted mandala today.  Not to be left out a second time, the weekend just past saw me beavering away in the corner determined to have a completed mandala by today.  Knowing how many beautiful ones there are out there and how intricate and colourful they are, I realised that time was not on my side and for once was sensible and decided to make a quick 'granny' based mandala in the hope it would be speedy to hook up. So not a traditional intricate mandala able to absorb the mind, I tried for the hypnotic feel.  And for once I was right, it was super speedy to make!  I even finished it a day early, the sun graced me with it's presence so I was able to utilise it as the now intended table cloth for the small patio table and ate my lunch, albeit with a coat on outside.

Want to see?

A close up of the granny stitches that
made up the majority of my mandala

Fits the table perfectly, I toyed with making
it larger but decided against it in the end

I have not posted how to make it as I think it relatively straight forward, but if there is interest I'd be happy to add in the instructions, just let me know...

♥  It's almost time to eat every meal outside, yeah!  ♥


  1. Not much into all that buddha Sanskrit eastern mystic hubba-bubba-mumbo-jumbo, but your mandala is BEEEUTIFUL! Love it. And you're not the only one who is usually "late to the party", I tend to do the same. =) have a great day, and keep making those pretty round circles.

    1. Ha! Your reply made me chuckle Melissa. Thank you for the crochet compliment. Have a rug in mind to make if I can find the time...

  2. Your Mandala is gorgeous and you have chosen such lovely spring colours. I've got my new blanket project on the go at the moment, then I'm attempting Amy's basket pattern so I may try my hand (or should I say fingers) at one after that. Beautiful work, as always, Selma. X

    1. Jules, colour choices were made out of desperation in that I had to use from my stash. Two reasons why, I'm trying not to buy yarn and use what I have but also because I had to knuckle down and make this there and then in order to have it finished for today's photo challenge!!! But thank you. I do actually love the colours despite not naturally picking these normally

  3. Certainly an impressive make, it looks amazing on your table with the flowers. Beautiful colours.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I just had to delete my response as it had so many spelling mistakes and would not let me edit grrrrr!
      Thank you mama mercantile it sort of all fell in place somehow. That doesn't happen often around here but it was very welcome

  4. Very nice. I will make one for my patio table. Love your colors.

    1. Brilliant Peggy, they are so quick and an easy one to do whilst chatting with friends and family as I did. Not many stitch changes!!

  5. You need make no apologies, it's quite wonderful. Love the colors too.

  6. It's fab clever you. I missed the craze last year being so new at crochet they scared me. Now I have a bit more confidence I will attempt one soon xx

    1. Jo, if you made s granny one like this that would be an easy and quick start

  7. Oh no now you won't be able to stop making them. There'll be me glass fusing and you mandala making!! Looks great, I love the wiggly edge and fancy having all that hidden meaning too. x

    1. Karen how funny would that be!!! Hope the glass fusing is continuing to be great. I've not done any for a while but hope to next Wednesdsy. Fingers crossed

  8. It looks beautiful and just perfect for your table.

  9. I love it on your table, it is perfect. I am still late to the party as I have not made one yet.

    1. That makes me better Meredith as I thought I was alone


I will always read all comments and will try to reply but it may take me a couple of days, do please pop back and lets get a conversation going...