Scandinavian Hanging Christmas Hearts Garland

December 18th

I am definitely a starter and not a finisher.  If left to my own devices and not spurred on by this blog it's true to say my house could have become overloaded with WIPs, (works in progress) there's enough of them now if I'm honest.

In the summer when I return home to mamma I always chill and craft more than at any other time of the year.  It's my haven and my guilty pleasure, though not so very secret.

Each summer I choose to learn a new craft, until that was this year, when I knew I had to get a move on with Christmas makes.  Knowing that the first 10 days in December I would be away from home and so I needed to be organised.

Knitting Christmas makes in the middle of a Norwegian warm summer was odd but strangely satisfying.  When visiting the local library and asking for their Christmas craft books I had to wait a while as they dug them out of storage for me!  What fool would want Christmas books in July?  Me of course...

Initially fiddly to begin, but once you are past
about row 5 it becomes quick and enjoyable to knit
But back to being a starter and not a finisher. Neither the wine box cover [Wine box cover post ] nor these hearts were completely finished in Norway and so these past few days I have been frantically 'finishing up'.  And just in time too, phew.  It's never a good idea to leave something for a few months and come back to it as the flow has gone and it takes a while to get back into the swing.  But I must say I am delighted with the makes.

I will not share the pattern here now unless someone wants me to as I suspect it is too late for this Christmas, but ping me a message in the comments if you want it and I'll post it up in all it's glory for you in the New Year.  I'm actually thinking of making more in Spring like colours to hang on the door.

The hearts knit up quickly

A Norwegian summer and crafting always takes place

They even feel Christmassy here despite it being July

Finally having stuffed them and woven in the ends, joined them together and crocheted the hanging top loop, my vertical heart garland is ready for Christmas.  
What do you think?  Full of Scandinavian feel I think.

Vertical hanging heart garland

  Are you almost ready for Christmas yet?  


  1. Very sweet. I love hearts. Especially handmade. I've done very little holiday crafting this year.

  2. It is stunning, a beautiful make the hearts are a delight.

  3. So great! I love how they look in the bottom photograph. X

  4. Love your knitted hanging hearts ....very Scandi indeed. x

  5. They are so pretty and I would love to be able to knit them but DPN's flummox me so introducing a second colour too would be hysterical.

  6. So pretty! I'm pretty much ready...Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  7. Selma, those are gorgeous! And of course I would love the pattern. :-)
    I've been slowly catching up reading your posts and am enjoying all, but I haven't commented until now. Commenting on blogspot is tricky for users of wordpress for some reason. Thanks for the links to the Santa Lucia images and the calendar pages, too (in one of your earlier posts). My friend here and I will be printing some out. much love and many blessings to you and your family at this wonderful time of year. ~ Linne

  8. Those hearts are wonderful. I knit and crochet year round and I live in Florida. Today in the middle of December when it is supposed to be cool it was 85 hot and humid degrees. Yuck!


I will always read all comments and will try to reply but it may take me a couple of days, do please pop back and lets get a conversation going...