Christmas hygge

Friends and Family
December 18th
A Christmas greeting in the porch

The days in December leading up to Christmas can be fraught if we are not careful.  rushing here and there and trying hard to be as prepared as possible whilst going also going about our daily lives.  However, I do think it important to take a moment out to be with friends and family too, after all this season is supposed to be about that isn't it?

Last week I invited my crochet ladies over for a few nibbles and some gløgg, it was a lovley evening and felt full of warmth and happieness.

Afer having seen badges like this on the selling website Etsy... 
These badges gave me an idea...

I decided to make some of my own, with various crochet phrases, unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures but I wrapped them up and everyone took one at random, we did have a few laughs as the quotes picked out seemed to fit each recipient well...
This saying was my favourite!!!

A festive kitchen adds to the warmth of the season

Norwegian savoury waffles with a mixture of
toppings is a quick and lovely treat to offer visitors

Here we have a combo of brie and redcurrant, Wensleydale
and caramelised onion, salami and bean salad
and salmon and lemon on savoury waffles

Cardamon cake for recipe click here
Cardamom cake, a hint of Christmas flavour
without being too overpowering

So far there is only a touch of red, the house will
become decorated from the 20th onwards and the tree on 23rd

AS well as savoury waffles and cardamom cake, here you
see 5 of the 7 Christmas bakes that a Norwegian
house makes leading up to Christmas

Candles are used throughout the winter to add to
the feeling of warmth both mentally and physically,
but be careful and watch out, they are of course a fire hazard!

  I wish you all warmth and happiness 
in your home with loved ones


  1. I LOVE your home! Especially the kitchen at Christmas As for me, let the baking begin! See you later . . .
    I first learned about Hygge this year and I like the idea, also of Trivsel. My new word for a New Year! There's a third word that I like, and I forget it just now. Later . . .
    Peace and warm hugs to you. ~ Linne

    1. Thank you Linne, I too love our home, it's very higgeldy piggeldy but it suits us

  2. I wish I had been there to crochet along with all of you. Your home is so warm and inviting.


I will always read all comments and will try to reply but it may take me a couple of days, do please pop back and lets get a conversation going...