God Jul ~ Merry Christmas

Jul aften ~ Christmas Eve
December 24th

Wishing you and yours all the love, happiness and warmth in the world.

Last minute preparations in hand, the Christmas hats are on the coat hooks in the hall, cakes about to be decorated and the last of the guests will arrive this afternoon.  All is well with the world except we are missing mamma, who has not been able to fly here due to illness.  
Sending mamma the most love, we miss you and love you xxx

Christmas hats, it's compulsory to wear them!

The tree is finally up

The last presents are wrapped,
hope John will like his new plants!

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas from me


  1. So sorry you will miss your Mamma, I hope she will be able to travel again soon next year and that you will be together. You know I understand. Massive hugs to you and hopes for a lovely Christmas with all of your other guests. Here's looking forward to good things for you for 2018! xx

  2. A Merry Christmas to you too Selma and sending Mamma some warm wishes and good health.
    Loving the new look! X

    1. Thank you Jules, I ahve passed them on , as of today the dr thinks at least another 6 weeks before she feels better x

  3. Have a lovely Christmas Selma and family. I do hope your mamma will be better soon. Thank you for your super blog throughout December. Best wishes for the new year xxx

    1. Thank you so much Jan, your words mean so much x

  4. Wishing you all a magical Christmas and happy New Year. B x

  5. Merry Christmas to you and your wonderful family.

  6. Replies
    1. I cannot resisit the hats on the pegs, they do get in the way a bit but I think it's worth it!

  7. Oh, I do hope your Mom gets better soon. Merry Christmas dear friend. Pat xx

    1. Me too Pat, I have everything crossed, hope you had a good Christmas too x

  8. I hope you had a lovely Christmas and wishing you and your family a wonderful New Year! xx

  9. Sorry to be late to the party again, Selma; you and your family, and especially your Mamma, have been in my thoughts so often this past week. I'm sorry she wasn't able to join you and I do hope she will be there next year. Tell her I keep her in my prayers, will you, and am sending much Love and Light to her as well as to you and the rest of the family. Thanks for all the inspiration, especially for your posts through the busiest month of the year. You inspired me!! Warm hugs to you, my friend. ~ Linne


I will always read all comments and will try to reply but it may take me a couple of days, do please pop back and lets get a conversation going...