A Winter Walk

December 14th 2018

This year has been tough on both the physical and mental level.  I am a strong person and have been rocked by the fact that I could nose dive into my own deep dark thoughts.  In an effort to combat these and to return to my previous almost half a century-year-old self of being a bubbly, enthusiastic glass half full person I have begun walking and breathing in the fresh air on a daily basis and trying to live a little more slowly and take time out for me.

As I begin to advance in years and the children leave home, looking after myself and making 'me' the priority is possible.  And do you know what?  I am learning to enjoy it.  I am one of life's givers and I flourish on helping my family and friends but I think maybe I burnt out.  This is my time to look after me.

And I promised myself that the Christmas season would be no different to the past year, walking and taking things slow, care to join me on one of my walks earlier this week.  I think wherever you live there is something to look at and see, be it in a busy city or out in the rural wilderness.  I live somewhere in between and it suits me well...

On my walk, I spied several lovely wreaths and all so different...

And look how stunning some of the house features are:

Decorations are taken seriously:

And if you are a walking detective you can spy some very unusual features over the garden wall:

Nature even in the depths of winter has beauty:

Structural features of interest:

And from me to you on this sunny but cold winter's day:

  Be kind to yourself, you deserve it 


  1. It's difficult to take things slowly at this time of year but get to Christmas Day and beyond and we can start to relax and enjoy the winter light. x

    1. I love the winter lights leading up to Christmas and I am trying hard to take it slow, so far so good Karen!

  2. Thanks for your thoughts and your photos.As I get older I find I cannot cope like I used to and I need to do something about it.

    1. It is just finding what works for you,all of us need to take better care of ourselves but finding how to do it and the energy and to be in the 'right place' seems to be the difficult thing. Wishing you lots of warmth, light, love and laughter x

  3. Sorry I haven't commented earlier as I've been enjoying reading your daily posts. I understand what you are describing. It's been a few years now but I know the feeling of becoming an empty nester. I've accepted the changes but change is hard. I wish you a blessed Christmas holiday and look forward to reading more of your beautiful posts this season. 🤗🎄🤗

    1. Lovely to see you here again Martha, never apologise. Thank you for your kind words, I am working on the change. Sending so much Scandinavian love your way xxx

  4. Such a heart-warming post, Selma! And it brought a tear or two to my eyes, too. Thanks for all the details photos; it brought back this past summer (already beginning to blur a bit in some respects) and I experienced some hjemthra, too, which I never did while over there. I LOVE the architectural details and the Christmas decorations and, of course, the nature photos.

    I've been down similar paths to yours, including over the past three years as the elders in my family passed away. I can assure you, it will pass; it just takes a bit longer than we might like. And there will be new joys, too. But still . . .

    I'm glad to read that you are taking good care of yourself. It's been a challenge for me to learn that and still I struggle with it a bit. But I'll learn . . .

    I'm so glad you are a creative person; I think that's been my greatest ally in building a new life for myself. And for me, the decision to "Choose Joy" every morning has made a big difference, too.

    You'll find your way, I have no doubt. Your posts helped me through many a dark day and now I send you Love and Light, too. Hugs. ~ Linne

    1. Choosing joy every morning, what a great way to begin the day. I am going to use that Linne, thank you for sharing that. Much love as always from me to you x

    2. Thanks, Selma. The other thing I did was to buy a sweet little Gratitude Journal in Shipley (I bought one for my housemate, too) and began using it before I returned. There are two lines for each of ten numbers and a space at the bottom for any extra items. So first thing each morning I write ten things I am grateful for or which make me happy. Last thing at night I do the same on the second lines. It's been making quite a difference for me and even though the book is running out of pages, I plan to continue the practise, possibly in one of my blank books. I've done this before a few times and it always improves my life (and my attitude), but sometimes it's been hard to find the time and I've let it lapse. Anyway, I know you are likely very busy just now, but perhaps a simpler form, like writing one thing a day, would be helpful in the new year. Just a thought . . . Warm hugs to you. Wish I could give you them in person . . . ~ Linne

    3. I have heard of this before, it may well be something I do next year Linne x

  5. When I first read this, you have no idea how it affected me, thank you for your kind words Sharon. Next year indeed is going to be OUR year.

  6. Soon 2018 will be over, and I hope with all my heart that 2019 will be a much, much better year for you.

    I loved your photos of details from around your village. It's far too easy to hurry past and not notice these things.

    1. Thank you Phil, thank you for being there all year too x


I will always read all comments and will try to reply but it may take me a couple of days, do please pop back and lets get a conversation going...