
December 2nd 2018

Pepperkake Advent candles
I love the tradition of lighting a new candle each Sunday in Advent, the mad rush there's still so much to do, how will I fit it all in, oh, look there's another idea that's caught my imagination, have I time to squeeze that make in too? slow countdown to Christmas.  In an ideal world, there will be time to sit with a glass of something with loved ones and enjoy each others company but the reality is so often not that.  However, this season,  I am on a mission to slow down more.

The yearly coffee table centrepiece of the Advent candles have taken a different slant this year and I have used Elin's idea that she shared on her wonderful Norwegian baking blog and recreated my own Advent candle 'pepperkake' holder.  Hope you like it...

♥  TIP 1
Using the traditional pepperkake recipe which you can find HERE , it was relatively easy and quick to make.  The trick for me was to make sure I rolled out the rectangular base to the correct size for the plate I wanted to use, you can, of course, create a circular one if you wish, it's gingerbread house making on a very different level, no 3D sculpting and watching in disbelief as it all falls apart, oh yes, I have been that person and never again will I make a gingerbread house. Never; I'm shuddering just thinking about my epic fails on that score.

♥  TIP 2
The other trick is to use a biscuit cutter large enough to create a hole to accommodate a tealight candle.  I actually used an old tea light casing to make the circular hole.  Then once baked and as soon as they are out of the oven, I reinserted the tealight and ensured whilst the biscuit was soft that I cut away any more to guarantee a good fit.  Leave it when the biscuit has cooled and the hearts will break, this must be done when the biscuit is warm  You have been warned.

I used an egg white icing to decorate and kept it like Elin did, very plain and simple.

I used 1 egg white and squeezed the juice of a lemon and enough sifted icing sugar to create a fairly thick icing, using also a couple of blobs on the underside of each heart to 'glue' them into position on the biscuit base.

If you are into elegant decor, this will not be your style, but if rustic works for you and homemade, then this will be a winner!

Decorated pepperkake Advent candle holder

1st Sunday in Advent

Advent pepperkae candle holder

  Now I'm going to sit back relax and smell the pepperkake 

Edit 2019:  I had a bit of a dilemma with this advent holder as I came down one morning to this...

...the cats had nibbled it in the night!!!


  1. What a good idea, very different

  2. Wonderful idea, I am off to that blog to check it out.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Karen, lovely to see you back here, hope all is good with you x

  4. It looks amazing, definitely my style.

    1. My style too, lovely to see you here again mama x

  5. Oh, my goodness! This is gorgeous! Does it last long?
    Thank you for the link ..... what a beautiful blog ..... far too tempting!
    Barbara x

    1. Barbara, it does soften as the days go by but it should last the month, fingers crossed anyway!

  6. I love this idea! And it's given me more ideas . . . you know how that goes, right? lol Will let you know if mine works out so nicely.

    Selma, I can't tell you how good it is to see your Christmas posts again. You warm my heart! Warm hugs ~ Linne


I will always read all comments and will try to reply but it may take me a couple of days, do please pop back and lets get a conversation going...