Scandinavian birds

December 9th 2018

Every year all around Norway you will see in gardens sheaves of wheat and oats to feed the birds and help them through the long winter.  Unlike the British, Norwegians are not known for their bird
Norwegian milk carton,
with cut out for bird food
IG image by betinafr
watching prowess but they do like to look after their wild birds.  Norwegians are now, however, being asked not to continue feeding wild birds once Spring has begun as it seems to overfeed them and can encourage them to build their nests too early.

Following many Scandinavian Instagram accounts, as I do, I see many posting about feeding the birds.  Originally food was put out on Christmas Eve but now as soon as the first snow falls many feed their little-beaked friends. And not only the golden wheat but there seems to be a growing trend of making one's own bird food.

Here in the UK making bird food is not a new thing and we as a nation are one of the largest to feed our wild birds, we buy more bird feed than most nations.  Did you know that?

Look at the inspirational way some in Norway feed their birds...

Sunflowers seeds in a cup for the birds
IG image by homebyanja

Both wheat and lard bird food
IG image by homebyanja

Great idea to form shapes by using cookie cutters
IG image by underbarasaker
Typical bird feeding in Norway
IG image by fjordfiskeren

How stylish is this?  Apples and lard/seed-laden pine cones
for the birds
IG image byfrokenfraken

An easy and effective method, orange outers
heavily laden with sunflower seeds and lard
IG image by karmsundsgata_s

Genius idea to allow the birds to perch
whilst eating at the bird feeder
IG image by landfixit

I think if the heavy deep winter that is forecast does come to my neck of the woods I will go in search of some wheat and oats to put out for the birds but in the meantime, I followed the RSPB recipe and made some lard and seed mix bird food and hung them up in the front garden for the birds.  Hope they have a jolly Christmas too!  Follow the link here for the simple recipe:  RSBP advice on how to make bird food

Using a cup from our first ever dinner service when
we became married almost 25 years ago.  Bird feeder in a mug!

Using a Kilner jar and some bamboo for the
birds to perch on, it will need t to be a small bird!

  Do you feed the birds?  
Have you any recipes you care to share? 


  1. Until a few years ago, we'd always had cats so it seemed wrong to feed birds and try to encourage them into the garden. Now we are a cat free zone but the birds seem to avoid us. We did put a feeder up, but apart from one solitary fat wood pigeon, we've seen few birds :'( I do like the cups used as bird feeders - that's a great idea :)

    1. I understand totally and we have cats, so I was a bit worried. Hope I won't regret it Shelagh

  2. I rather like the cup idea and the cutters. It still feels warmish here but we'll have to start feeding them soon. x

    1. I agree it is warm, I hear we are having a cold snap soon, but this beast of a blog needed feeding so I'm a tad early!?!

  3. Now that we live in a part of our state where winter is harsher I might need to look into feeding the birds...

    1. Oh let me know if you do and what you feed them Ellen

  4. Very stylish in the cup and kilner jar. There are bird feeders in a couple of our neighbours gardens so as yet we don't feed.

    1. Yes, there is such a thing as over feeding, it's a fine balance indeed


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