Watch this space

Things are afoot here in the eclectic home. 

After two years of living in a blur and life passing me by I am slowly emerging from my cocoon.  I won't bore you with the details of the past couple of years suffice it to say all is fine and all is good.  The chicklings have flown the nest, the house is suddenly tidy and I can find whatever I want at the drop of a hat.  And the kitchen stays the way I left as I trundle up the stairs to bed to look exactly the same when I re-emerge looking myself like a scarecrow in the morning with my hair limp against my head from the inevitable rush of heat that takes over my body now and then. Yep, you've guessed it the menopause symptoms... Miracles will never cease as I enter the kitchen, never tiring of the joy of seeing the kitchen looking tidy with everything in its place.  It does mean of course that the house is quiet, not silent, but the hustle and bustle of a family of four have reduced to just me most weekdays and John returning home the odd night and here at the weekends.  How life changes. I was warned when Ella was born that the time will fly and I did not think too much about it but oh my gosh, I think I would tell the young mother, Selma, slow down and savour it just a tad more.  Don't get me wrong I enjoy every phase and this new one with the youngsters flying their own wings and working out who they are is too in its own way wonderful if somewhat bittersweet.

Enough of my ramblings...


The December daily posts will indeed return for 2019, will you be so kind as to join and perhaps spread the word.

A few snippets to entice you to join, I look forward to seeing you on December 1st for our Christmas countdown...

There will be baking, Norwegian traditions, crafting, ramblings and so very much more...

Will you be joining me in December?


  1. Yesssss! I was quietly wondering whether you'd be doing your daily December this year. VERY happy to see you back here. ��

  2. I love your Christmas posts so much! I get very "Bah! Humbug!" about the commercialisation of Christmas; your posts are the perfect antidote.

    1. My husband too is Bah Humbug but if you add a bit of homemade and try and bring joy, it really is a wonderful season. Glad I am your antidote, thank you x

  3. Hurrah, you are my Advent calendar ... I can start to get excited about Christmas now!! xxx

    1. I LOVE being someones advent calendar, it may start to feel quite familiar after all these years thought Helen, there is only so much 'new' I can add in!!! Eeek!

  4. I'm ready for it to begin :) xxx

  5. Yes.Iam looking forward to it.Christmas is going to be a difficult one for our family this year.( read my blogpost)

    1. Sending hugs, I popped over, thinking of you all xxx

  6. What a joy to have you back in blogland! Count me in as I'll be following along! πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡―πŸŽ„πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡―

    1. Awww, thank you, hope you are all well your end xxx

  7. Hooray! Getting excited! Ordered my advent candle and now your "advent calender" for me to open and enjoy xx

  8. Thanks, Selma, for visiting my blog and it's good to know you're blogging again! I'm looking forward to hearing more over the coming days. Linda

    1. Thanks Linda, will pop by often, glad you will be joining in too! x

  9. Welcome back ��
    Count me in too.

  10. It's such a difference when the young ones fly the nest, isn't it? Daniel left for university six years ago now and never came back, Eleanor left three years ago but she's back home again and what a difference it makes. We'd got used to it just being the two of us but having that one extra person in the house makes a big difference in every respect. Not that I think she'll be here long, once they've gone they gain their independence and they don't want to be living with mum and dad again. I do agree with you though, the years fly by.

    1. Jo, we have discussed it here, I think they have gone and it is as it should be, they may pop back now and then as a stop gap to a new home or some such, but that is it I fear. It's all a getting used to act isn't it!

  11. Hi Selma,
    Thank you for visiting my blog. It’s lovely to see you back to blogging!
    Count me in too!
    Always look forward to seeing what special things you are making this time of year.
    Barbara xx

    1. Hi Barbara, thanks for returning, lovely to see 'old' friends back, wishing you well, Selma x

  12. Lovely to know that all is fine and good with you. A kitchen that stays clean and tidy must be a wonderful thing indeed. But yes, I can well see how it flies by, as my eldest ponders A-level choices and What He Will Do With The Rest Of His Life. Yikes! Great to see that you will be back for December, I shall look forward to it.

    1. Hi CJ, A level years, I learnt to nag less about unnecessary stuff and tried hard to keep my cool with the children as they are 2 stressful years for them. I wish you well. And it really does fly past. Glad to have you on board in December xxx

  13. I don't know that I can commit to every day, but I sure will enjoy reading YOUR posts.

    1. It is great n Dee but I must admit it is a huge commitment, I was not entirely sure if I was up for it this year, but let's hope it all works, let's watch this space...

  14. Yeah, I like advent here on this blog! Our oldest moved out in September and ever since, our kitchen is far more tidy and clean.

    1. Yay! Christina, I enjoy advent on here too. Do you do anything for Advent in Scotland?

  15. I love when my house is tidy and everything is where it should be, it's kind of a mini miracle!!

  16. You had to ask?? lol
    I'm so thrilled to see this post; you have no idea. It's been busy for me, too, for a variety of reasons. Hoping to get back to posting regularly soon.
    Life is so full of changes, isn't it? It always takes me some time to adapt, but each stage brings its own rewards, I find.
    Thanks for the catch-up, Selma. Warm hugs to you. ~ Linne

    1. Linne!!!! HELLO!!!! Huge apologies for not being in touch, read your email, hope you are having a fantastic time, glad to see you here, sending love xxxx

  17. Excellent Selma, glad to hear all is well and that you'll be back! x

    1. ooh Karen, so glad to see you here, hope all is well with you, sending you virtual hellos...

  18. Hi Selma lovely post ,yes the kiddies sure do grow up fast and the grandies even faster.
    Lovely to hear that you are well and I look forward to your posts,hope your day is a good one my friend xx

    1. Sheryl, time is such a funny thing is it not!! I hope very much one day to have grandchildren, just not yet! Want my children to work out who they are first and explore.

  19. It's so nice to meet you, and I enjoyed reading your post! Thank you so much for your kind visit to my blog.

    1. Hello Kitty, thank you for popping by, glad you enjoyed yourself, welcome back any time, lovely to 'meet' new friends x

  20. Thanks for popping by my blog. I can sympathise with the empty nest - it's the same here, although both my girls will be home for Christmas so I'm looking forward to that. Menopausal symptoms suck don't they! I shall look forward to your December posts. xx

    1. So lovely to have the family all together for the Christmas season, lots to look forward to. Glad you are looking forward to the December posts, just hope I live up to expectation!

  21. That's a yes from me...........looking forward to it xx

  22. Count me in! I enjoy learning about other country's Christmas traditions!

    1. Wonderful Margie, look forward to having you around

  23. Definitely. I am looking forward to it. Xx

    1. Jules I am so pleased, in considering if I would write again this year, you were in my thoughts...

  24. Replies
    1. Hope I don't dissapoint. Welcome to eclectic home. So pleased you could join x


I will always read all comments and will try to reply but it may take me a couple of days, do please pop back and lets get a conversation going...