Innocent Crochet!

Crocheted Innocent juice bottle cover
August 29th

Way back at the beginning of the summer, hard to think that far back, I decided that my garden needed a splash and an injection of colour.  Crocheting is a quick fix in adding that splash and you may recall from this post here how I pimped up an Innocent juice bottle.

So before leaving for our summer adventure (see posts: road trip and arctic sailing ) I kept dreaming of summer sea and water.  Spurred on too by Lucy at Attic 24 beginning her coastal ripple blanket, the colours just screamed summer to me and I had to play with blues.  Not having much time, I decided that my juice bottle could do with a mate, and set to task.

Crocheting whilst at the hospital bedside

June and July were tough months for our family and along with a lot of baking, my coping mechanism, crochet helped too when I could not bake...

The joy with this type of crochet and using the granny stitch is that it does not require a huge amount of concentration and is therefore easy to pick up and put down at short notice.  It did however mean I was carting about with me a plastic Innocent juice bottle, looked at in one light, it could almost be mistaken for a sample bottle, albeit a very large one!?!?!

Judging the size and when to decrease stitches was a guessing game and only really required that after every row, I tried it on for size, so to speak. 

All that was left was to weave
 in the ends and sew together,
a quick colourful make

Always helps when the sun shines

Oops, photo styling was never my forte,
see how wonky the cover is placed on the bottle here.
A professional would have spotted this a mile off!!

Perfect mates, don't you think?

Thank crunchy it is Friday everyone, hope you have a fabulous weekend.  We will be busy preparing for our annual boating weekend, what are you up to?


  1. I'm not sure if the first comment worked, so here's the second attempt! Love the bottle covers. Link from the square swap page is working too. Lynne

  2. Brilliant Lynne, thank you so much for taking the time. I have had to use the pop up method, which means I cannot directly reply to your post, but if it mean you can post, then this is fab news. There is only one comment from you, did you have trouble with the first one? Again THANK YOU x

  3. They look so great together don't they! I love the recycling aspect of this, but I am more glad that this helped occupy you in your time of stress. xx

    1. I love everything about these crochet bottle covers and they are super quick. Amy, you are just the loveliest person. Singing you virtual hugs across the Internet x

  4. Love your bottle covers - so bright and cheery! Hope you have things sorted out on your blog comments! (((HUGS))) :)

    1. Thank you. It is looking good RE blog posts although I hardly dare say so for jinxing it! Thank you so much AGAIN for commenting. It truly means do much. Thank you thank you thank you

  5. love the covers, they are great, and the link from the granny group worked :)

  6. That is great to hear that the link worked, thank you got that band am super glad you liked the bottle covers. They really do add the sash of colour that life sometimes needs. Hope you pop over her again. Thank you x


I will always read all comments and will try to reply but it may take me a couple of days, do please pop back and lets get a conversation going...