Sunday shawl making

August 29th 

The main body of the Sunday shawl

During July the Internet within the crochet world was a buzz with road trip scarves and shawls.  There were four patterns that took my particular fancy and I decided that before the end of the year I would have made all four.  Two are now complete and I have almost finished the third.  These patterns are quick to make and fun to watch grow, plus you have something to wear at the end of it, what is not to like?

So my first foray into clothing was the Sunday Shawl by the talented Alia Bland. (Link below)  Apt too as I was beginning it on a Sunday, the flaw here being, I woke up on the day in question, decided I wanted to begin, but no yarn shops near me were open!  So it was to be a stash busting shawl then.  This left me with no choice but the burgundy red within my stores as the only yarn that would be enough for the main body of the shawl.  This too dictated that it was to be an autumn/winter shawl as the yarn was of a chunky weight.

The pattern is clear to follow and my first bought pattern at that!  Normally I trawl the Internet or use one of the numerous pattern books I have, but I wanted to jump on the band waggon and join in the discussions of how I was getting along with blog land acquaintances.  Within no time at all the main body was complete, perhaps a couple of three hours?

This did leave me to a dilemma as I don't know about you but once Sunday was finished with and it was back to work on the Monday, end of school term busyness set in,  how does it become so fraught and manic, the Sunday shawl was put to one side and forgotten...

Until that was as I was thinking about packing for holiday, when I realised that I would not have space for it and all the yarn needed to complete it and so it would have to stay behind.  So what to crochet whilst on holiday?  A different shawl pattern of course!  But that will be a future posting...

So I came home to a shawl that needed finishing but it was not until today, when I awoke to the most glorious of sun rises that I thought, that's it, today is the day.

The sky at 0600 this morning

So following on from the fantastic photographed pattern tutorial, I was able to complete the colour trim of the shawl in about 3 ish hours.  So the Sunday shawl is an apt name, as you could complete it on a Sunday, clever!

Using my new free gift blocking pins from Simply Crochet magazine this month, I am a sucker for anything with hearts, I set to blocking the shawl.  Kind advice was given through various crochet on line groups as how best to go about it and Alia (the designer) also agreed that she had blocked her picot stitches (the little jutty out bits on the end of the shawl)

Free with Simply Crochet magazine

Before blocking

Close up of picot stitches and how they were pinned for blocking

Left picot is blocked the right is not

The difference between blocking and not

Blocking was definitely worth it and transformed the shawl, I was in two minds as I liked it the way it was, but having blocked it, the whole garment seems somehow more finished and complete.

The finished shawl

The colourful Sunday shawl

Think the crocheted shawl matches my dress well!

I have loved making this shawl, the colours are not those that I would have chosen, but apart from buying the pattern, which I will use again, this shawl has only cost me time, and not so much of that.  I call that a win win.  So this will be my autumn/winter shawl as the yarn is chunky and will keep the evening chill off my shoulders.  The colours I think are quite suited to those seasons. 

The Sunday shawl pattern can be found  here or here

Have any of you made a shawl, what pattern did you use?


  1. Stunning .... Will be on my to do list ..

    1. Thank you Rosie. Will await to see which colours you choose. Thanks for posting a comment. Hoping my comment problems may be resolved!?!?

  2. Beautiful Selma!!! The colours are so lovely, and as you say just right for autumn and with the dress that you showed as well. I look forward to seeing your other shawls too. It is so nice having you back!! I am really enjoying your posts. xx

    1. Amy, I must confess I went out and bought the dress to match! How naughty and extravagant! I like this shawl and especially the pattern but admit to preferring the colours of the next shawl I will share with you. But then I bought those with the shawl in mind. This one I feel considering it was using just scraps us good enough x

  3. Love your shawl! Can't wait to see what else you make. :)

    1. Thank you. So glad you like it. And do glad you took time to comment. I like it to buy am even more excited to post the next shawl now ever saying that cannot wait to make this shawl again maybe as a present in different colours. Hope you come over again. Do you crochet?

  4. It's beautiful - I will be getting the pattern. Your photos will surely encourage more of us to block.

    1. Do glad you will get this pattern. It is really very well written and lots is photos. There are 12 pages almost a dot to dot of instructions. Do clear. Blocking is interesting isn't. Not really a huge blocker before myself. But converted after this too.

  5. Fabulous. Just my colours! Loved what difference the blocking made. X

  6. Colours are good I agree Jilly but to be 'true' to my winter colour scheme they are not perfect!! Ho him, will just have to make another one then.... Greys and red or electric blue and black?

  7. I've made the same shawl but haven't blocked it yet. After seeing your pics I think I'm going to do it asap :) Thanks for sharing your wonderful shawl and your experience with it,
    Vron (Arteyotrasaventuras on IG)

    1. The shawl seems to be very popular and there are so many colour variations out there that they all look quite different? What colours did you choose Veronica? Would love to see your shawl when blocked. Can you tag me on IG?

  8. Amazing shawl and so nice bright colours. I love how it looks with dress so much
    And thank you for your comment it helps and means so much

    1. Thank you the trim colours are growing on me and I agree it does go well with the dress. Hope all ok your end. Sending love x

  9. Just gorgeous Selma, can't wait to see you wearing your shawl when you come over ... in the very near future I hope!! xx

  10. Your shawl is lovely! I certainly agree with Helen (comment #4) ~ I can't imagine not blocking after seeing your before & after pics! It must have taken a lot of patience to pin each & every bit of the edging . . . but what a reward in the end. Now I'm anxious to see your next shawl ~ and thank you for the pattern link.

    Warm Regards, Lisa in Oregon, USA

    1. Thank you Lisa. It was actually surprisingly quick. I do not like things that take ages so blocking has always been on my no no list. But it was surprisingly fun and as I said quick. My second shawl is at the bottom of the post about the north if Norway. I think I prefer the colours in that one. Let me know what you think. X

  11. Your shawl is beautiful! Did you block the entire shawl, or just the trim? I don't know a whole lot about blocking. Do you hold the iron above just above it and push the steam button?? Thank you!

    1. Hi Laurie. I blocked only the trim as the rest of the shawl seemed to sit well. This was my first real foray in blocking so all I did was pin the trim in place and hold the iron on full steam as close to the shawl as I dared without touching it. There was much steam coming out of the iron so I did not press the steam button. I then left the shawl to dry in situ took only half an hour or so. The day was quite warm too and then un pinned it and tried it on. Hope this helps. Let me know how you get on x


I will always read all comments and will try to reply but it may take me a couple of days, do please pop back and lets get a conversation going...