Blogging - why do it?

September 13th  

Why do you blog? Why do I blog? Why do we read blogs? What's the point? What's the fascination?  Well I cannot answer all of the above but I can answer from my perspective. I would love to know your views and thoughts too. 

I began blogging ten months ago at the beginning of last December. It happened quite by accident. For some time leading up to the first post I had been comtemplating writing a note book/diary for my children  about all the things we do in our household leading up to Christmas. Tradition is important to me, the old ones we have had for years and embracing new ones too. I love the festive season and the Scandinavian part of me has a field day. I wanted to put this all down for the children for the future. 

It suddenly dawned on me as I was sitting down thinking about this diary log that I was about to begin how much work it was going to be and that it might be easier to type it up rather than hand write it and would be so much easier to add in photographs too using the computer. Slowly slowly the penny began to drop that maybe a blog would be a good idea.  Just for the month of December. Bearing in mind I had not even read a blog before (my husband and children had had one for a while, but that was my only foray into the world of blogging) so I was not really sure what it entailed but it seemed like a good solution to my needs. 

Without really researching or thinking too much about it I set up an account with blogger and I was off.  And boy was it fun, but wow how time consuming, I had no idea. 

The thing with a blog is that not only do you have to have an idea, you need to often research, take photographs, make or do the item you are discussing and make sure you do it stage by stage if you are trying to be informative and THAT takes so much longer than if you were normally doing it. Add to that the steep learning curve of setting everything out on the page, the tears and frustration when the page doesn't look as you wish and the hours trying to sort it out only to find it hasn't worked!!!  December is always a busy month but last December in promising myself to post everyday was almost insane. But do you know what? I loved it and became hooked. 

So my blogging days began out of a desire to show and keep a record for my children but as the month of December passed by and I had fulfilled my wish, I chose to carry on. Why?

For me, the interaction of people commenting and friends talking to me about it, meeting new 'virtual' friends was addictive. I love receiving comments on the blog and welcome lots more. Unfortunately I  seem to have some sort of an issue with several people not being able to comment for one reason or another and that upsets me. Who else whom I have yet to meet has not been able to comment? Consequently I set up a Facebook page called eclectichomelife as well, whereby people can comment without trouble. If you have tried but not succeeded please drop me an email to:  eclectichomeandlife (at) gmail (dot) com. Please note that the email address has the word ' and ' in it also!

So far other than last December when I knew what I was to blog about, each month has been ramblings of the things I make and do. But for the first time I am now beginning to think ahead with the blog and am starting to write a list of items I wish to blog about. I too would like to build on my followers, but how to do that, so I may even dip a few toes into the internet to see how that maybe achieved.  I hope my enthusiasm shines through and my positive outlook on life. This blog has become my friend and my little bit of 'me' time in an ever busy world. I hope you can and want join me on my journey. 

Do you have any blogging tips or advice? Why do you blog? What made you begin? If you do not blog, why do you read them? What do you want from a blog? Any thoughts, comments, advice gratefully received. 


  1. Selma, it’s so great you asked this (because it is a subject of my research and sorry but suspect I will talk too much about it :)! Actually ‘why do people blog?” is the main questions I think about when enter a Blog Land.
    And why do I? I read a lot of blogs (and social networks) when worked on research for the bachelor degree because the subject was autobiography and online diaries as a modern forms of the traditional ones. And actually I just read because sometimes it’s hard to study something ‘from inside’ and you need to see an object and be out of process of creation.
    And now for PHD i moved to the wider space of Memory and try to study how people use virtual space for keeping their memories. That is a reason I did my own blog for sure I do it for communication and for to know something new from all these interesting people around the world, for sharing daily life and happy to hear feedback and comments. And same time try to check on practice what I write in the research.
    And same time I think about Roland Barthes words in Camera Lucida and his reflections on photo of mother. Do you remember? When he talks about what will be after, when this simple photo will get yellow, old and disappear one day – and it won’t be just disappearance of a piece of paper but love-as-treasure because there won’t be anyone to testify to this. Think of possibility to protect something from Forgetting or disappearance.
    Do you reread your blog? Do you keep it as own archive which you will open one day and see how it was?
    And thank you for blogging :)

    1. What an interesting degree and PHD you are doing. It is fascinating why people have become so public in sharin through blogging. Sometimes I think I should stop as one tends to only show the best bits of life in public and may give a false impression of life! But as I said I then think well it is my escapism and I enjoy it and I continue. But I shall only do so as long as it remains fun x

  2. There's something quite addictive about blogging. It almost feels like raising a child, watching them grow and evolve. And meeting people from all over the world is interesting, too. When I started, I had no idea how important blogging would become in my life.

    1. I couldn't agree more with your statements. It really has become a part of my life. I can truly say evening I not writing a post, I think about the blog every day. I especially enjoy making new contacts and sometimes even meeting new friends in the 'flesh'. It was lovely to finally meet you earlier this week. X


I will always read all comments and will try to reply but it may take me a couple of days, do please pop back and lets get a conversation going...