Crochet and chocolate cardamon cake

20th January 

Chocolate cake, easy to make and taasty
Two days before the second crochet course, I was privileged to be invited over to another bloggers house for tea and cake.  The very talented knitter guru, crochet goddess and writer extraordinaire, that is:  Truly if you have not visited her blog, you are in for a treat.  Her words never fail to make me smile and the creations she produces are wonderful.  I am very pleased to be able to call her my new friend.  Through the internet we became acquainted and messaged each other every once in a while, then more frequently and then suddenly a meet up was suggested.  We try to see each other now,  as often as we can,  busy lives permitting. 

It was at the 'Twisted' house that I was given the most delicious chocolate cake.  I am addicted to chocolate, have been all my life, but am trying very hard over the last 6 months to limit what I eat and I am managing better than I thought I would.  However, I could not resist the cake...  Funnily enough, I bake a fair amount, love chocolate as I've said, but am totally useless at making chocolate cakes.  Twisted promised me this was a fool proof recipe and anyone could make it, yeah, right I thought...  but she's right.  I managed it!  I am totally stoked by this and so giddy with happiness, that I asked her permission to share her cake with my crochet ladies in week 2 and now I share it here with you, Twisted's permission given of course.  Go on over and see how amazing she is...

This chocolate cake rises well
Twisted Chocolate Cake 

You will need:

♥  200g good quality dark chocolate
♥  200g unsalted butter
♥  75ml milk
♥  dash of white wine vinegar or lemon juice
♥  85g plain flour
85g self raising flour
third tsp bicarbonate of soda
30g cocoa powder
200g light muscovado sugar or light soft brown sugar
180g caster sugar
dash of vanilla essence or almond essence
3 eggs, beaten
optional extra:
♥  3 tsp ground cardamom

1  Pre heat oven to 140 for a fan oven, 150 degrees for non fan oven.  
2  In a pan, gently melt the butter and chocolate with 125 ml water.
3  Meanwhile, add the vinegar or lemon juice to the milk and leave for 5 minutes to make butter milk.
4  Mix the flours, bicarbonate of soda, sugars, cocoa powder (ground cardamom, if using) and vanilla or almond essence
5  Add the eggs and butter milk and mix well.
6  Add the molten chocolatley mixture from the saucepan and mix well.
7  Poor into a deep 8 inch tin.
8  Bake in the oven for about 1 hour 15 minutes. do not check it before this, it may even take longer to bake.  Keep checking with a thin skewer, if it comes out clean, the cake is baked.

I added my own Scandinavian twist to this cake, that of adding the ground cardamom, it was not in Twisted's original cake, which I feel was brave of me, but it worked and added a slight warmth to the cake.  This is totally not necessary as the cake itself is fantastic. 

This is not an every day cake as you can see from the ingredients, but oh my, it is so yummy.  Next special occasion or when you want to spoil someone, this is your cake!

Chocolate and cardamom cake and crochet

♥  Enjoy this chocolatley cake. 
Have you any chocolate recipes that I can try? 


  1. This cake looks absolutely beautiful. And, I'm sure it taste so yummy, too. I should buy myself a kitchen scale so that I can make one myself. Thanks so much for sharing such a great recipe :)

    1. Yes! Buy scales make cake. It truly is divine. Always happy to share, glad you like it x

  2. I fear that you will not be able to get rid of your crochet ladies at the end of the class because they will want to keep coming for the yummy cakes! Not that that is a bad thing! Glad that you enjoyed your bloggy meet up, hope you enjoy the next one! xx

    1. There is that chance! But the crochet evening a keep me out of mischief and I am loving them. An truly looking forward to the next blight meet up. Crochet brooch at the ready and will be posted on the blog over the week end ;)

    2. Should of course read "blog" not blight meet up!?!?!

  3. It is. Give it a try. I shall ever be indebted to 'Twisted' for introducing it to me

  4. That cake looks amazing - look at the height! Thanks for stopping by my blog, it was nice to hear from you.

    1. I know! I was excited about the height too! Not having had any luck with chocolate cake before, I was over the moon with this recipe. Thanks for stopping by

  5. The cake looks perfect and I'm sure it tastes good, too. Thanks for stopping by my corner of the world. Best wishes, Tammy

  6. It sure is. If you get time you should give it a ho. Welcome back here any time x

  7. Crochet + Cake = pure bliss

    The blanket you are making looks lovely. xoxo


    1. Love your word sum. Couldn't agree more with the answer of pure bliss. Thank you for your very generous comment x

  8. OMG I want that cake BADLY! It looks delish!

    1. Make it!! It's worth it. Having never been good at making chocolate cake, this brightened up my day


I will always read all comments and will try to reply but it may take me a couple of days, do please pop back and lets get a conversation going...