Bloggers meet up

28th January  

Crocheted brooches
So blogging... why do it, asked that before...what's the point, yep, answered that what's left?  Ahhh...a meet up in the flesh...

Yesterday I met my second ever, never known to me before the internet and  this blog began blogger.  Having
learnt my lesson last time and invited a fellow blogger to my house for a cuppa and to chat 'blog' and having been severely reprimanded by both a close friend and my daughter, reminding me that I would not allow my children to bring internet 'friends' to the house, thought this time perhaps I better play it a little bit safer and meet in a public place. 

So it came about that Amy from Love Made My Home blog and I met in a gorgeous coffee shop almost equidistant to our humble abodes.  Luckily for us we had been given the heads up to pre book a table for 11.   11 o'clock and you need to book a table, bonkers I thought to myself, but heeded the advice and am I glad I did. The café in question was packed and we would not have managed to acquire a seat otherwise.  Having arrived  few minutes after Amy, I was told she was sitting at the back and as I head turned to look beyond the people standing in front of me the owner of the café said, 'Ahh, of course you won't know who she is, this is a blind date!'  She needn't have feared as Amy and I were all over that dilemma like a rash, we had agreed to crochet our own brooches and either blog about them or email them across before meeting up.  Amy was a tad worried that there may be a crochet brooch convention in town that day, but we were in luck and we appeared to be the only two 'crafty' ones in visible sight.

We spent a great couple of hours chewing the fat, getting to know more about each other and talking blogs.  How do you do this... have you tried that... what do you think about this... There was much laughter and no awkward silences and it would appear that neither of us are mass murderers.   As with meeting up with Phil from the Twisted Yarn, it was fun and refreshing and I did not feel I had to curb my enthusiasm as some else's eyes glazed over as soon as I mentioned the word BLOG.

So what brooch did I wear?  Good question and one I kept asking myself for the last couple of weeks.  I left it as I often do till the eleventh hour and was to be found sitting in our study in the early hours of the morning before our meet up crocheting a brooch, well two actually, as I wanted to give a little gift to Amy...

I found a wonderful brooch made by the equally talented Sarah of Annaboo's house, if you are a crochet fan and have not discovered her yet, scroll down to find the link, it's worth it, I promise you. And so began the Scottie dog brooches...

Scottie dog crocheted body

Adding on the crocheted head to the Scottie dog

Two sides are needed of the Scottie dog body and then
crocheted around to form a 3D shape

By the second brooch, I was tired and
he became a little crochet fudged, but looks fine

Getting ready with my crocheted brooch

To follow the clear and easy instructions to make your own Scottie dog, just follow the link to Annaboo's house:   Scottie dog brooch tutorial

Amy was so sweet and also presented me with a crochet brooch and I am wearing it now as I blog, hence the not so perfect photograph.  To see a great shot of it and to find the tutorial for her lovely brooch follow the link to her blog: Amy's crocheted flower brooch

A few snaps of the quaint village that we met up for lunch....

Quaint UK village

Village hall dating from 1900

Alongside the river Thames

Mill house, the water was cascading and defeaning

The only photograph I remembered to take of the café

 ♥  A toast to meeting new people and
facing new challenges throughout the year 


  1. Aww!!!! So lovely!! I am really glad that you enjoyed it, I definitely did. Glad too that we are not mass murderers!! Thank you so much for such a lovely time, I haven't laughed and cried with a blogger in person before and it was great to share that experience with you. I took my brooch off, but only because I wanted to look at it and I couldn't see it when I was wearing it. He is sitting beside me now on the coffee table and I am taking him out to show him off tomorrow - and I will blog about him too! Gosh, I will stop now as otherwise this comment will be as long as our meeting was! Thank you again! xx

    1. Looking forward to many more meetings Amy. Such fun and I learnt from you to. Now only to put scheduling into practice...

  2. Oh, how lovely. Interestingly, the first time I met up with a fellow blogger, she made me a brooch... a snail of course. And we did all the 'wrong' things like meeting at her house... but then she's pretty much housebound, so there was little choice!

    1. Love that she made you a snail. And how easy is it to do the 'wrong' thing. That's what in a way is so scary. We feel we already know the blogger so it seems natural...

  3. How lovely that you got to meet up with Amy, and what a beautiful spot you chose. I love both of your brooches, what a great idea.

    1. Everything about it was lovely. Feel honoured to have met Amy Brooches was indeed a fun idea. Glad we did it

  4. Just popped over from Amy's blog- how fab that you had such a great time together. Always love hearing about friendships that come from blogging. Love your doggy brooches too as I have a westie and a JR who they remind me of! CT :-)

    1. Welcome over hope you stop a while and have a ciffe and poke around for a bit. Lovely to have you here. Cute dogs you have too x

  5. So glad that you got to meet and had such a wonderful time. Thank you for sharing it with us!

  6. It's great you were able to meet up and have such a nice time together. I love the Scottie dog brooch and know exactly who I will make one for. She'll love it too.

    1. Pooh how exciting Gillian. Do let me know how you get in, would love to see it. And to know of her reaction x

    2. Ahhhhh... The above should not read pooh! But oooh!!! Was so keen to reply just pressed publish without looking!!

  7. What fun, smart to meet in public, you just never know, but of course Amy was wonderful

    1. So true you never know but I already felt I knew Amy... That is what could be so scary in another situation though...

  8. I enjoyed reading about you and Amy's meet up t sounds like fun, I love the little brooches. :)

    1. Thank you Linda it was fun sand we enjoyed the brooches too

  9. I've just popped over from Amy's blog to be a little nosy! I met up with a few bloggers a couple of years ago and wasn't nervous at all until about two minutes before - but I needn't have been! I think you find out so much about the blogger before you meet them that it's just like meeting an old friend. So glad you and Amy hit it off and I absolutely love your little Stanley brooches x Jane

    1. So glad you are being 'nosy' pop back anytime and have a coffee with me. Any was so lovely and thank you for your generous comment on the brooches x

  10. It sounds like a lovely meet up. I have met one blogger who happens to live about ten miles away and we see each other often. I think when we form these virtual friendships on line we learn so much about them, probably more than you'd know about someone you met at work for the first time or met at the gym or social event. I think it's a great idea and I'd love to meet more like minded bloggers. P x

    1. I was nervous before hand and had to talk to myself sternly but it was great and you are right I too would like to meet more like minded people. Good fun.

  11. It's so lovely to meet up with fellow bloggers isn't it?!
    And I think you're right to choose a public place for your first meeting.
    I've met up with lots of gals through blogs and IG and it's wonderful to meet like-minded souls!
    Love your brooch- thank you for the mention. Xx

    1. No, thank you. Your blog and your makes are so inspiring. I cannot thank you enough. Hope all the videoing and publishing is going well for you. Thanks for popping over Sarah x

  12. It must have been so great to meet up, I'm hoping to meet up with a couple this year and even though I am not nervous now, I am sure on the day I'll be worried that we will have nothing to say and will be typing it on our laptops or tablets instead :-) Take care x

    1. Hahaha that made me laugh. I am sure when you meet up like us you will have so much to talk about. Go for it.

  13. Sounds like you had a wonderful get together, yay for blogging ;0) loving the crocheted brooches.
    Clare x

    1. Yay for blogging indeed. Thanks for the brooches like too Clare x

  14. Bloggy meet ups are such fun, because mostly we feel like we know the other person already even before we meet! Glad you & Amy got along so well :-)

    1. You are right Gilly. Through the blogs and comments and sometimes emails with bloggers we learn heaps about each other so when we do meet it's a really strange. Gosh I KNOW you but haven't met you before. Quite surreal

  15. How wonderful! Definitely no need to worry about Amy's character as her positive personality shines through on her blog. Years ago, when I met my first blog friend in person, she said her husband had warned her to be careful. Ha! I was with my two kids and we met up for breakfast in a quaint little town outside Chicago. I've not met a blog friend yet that I didn't like yet. :) Love the brooches! Best wishes, Tammy

    1. It really is so much fun glad to hear you've enjoyed meeting with each blogger. I suppose we wouldn't read the blogs of these people if we didn't like what was shining through their words. X

  16. I am so glad you both met up, I think you are both wonderful. What fun!

    1. Awe Meredith that is so sweet of you to say so x

  17. Thanks to Amy I found your blog and it will be interesting to read about your eclecticism! Thanks to you for your Scottie Dog pattern link. I love it. That was a clever idea for identifying each other.

  18. Hello Selma, I like your site and we have so much in common, I only started blogging last Oct, I'm reasonably happy with my site but wish I had chosen a prettier one. I would like to change but wouldn't know where to start. I also have a Wordpress blog but that one is even more difficult to customise and again I wish I had chosen a prettier theme, I can change it but I think that might cause more problems than it will solve! Also I have been thinking about a photography course, but a friend of mine has invited me to join him and his group, get some tips from them and do what you suggested - practice, practice and more practice. Good luck to both of us.


I will always read all comments and will try to reply but it may take me a couple of days, do please pop back and lets get a conversation going...