Photographing for blogging

29th January 

Not that I have mentioned this to you wonderful lot but another one of my personal challenges this year is to try and get to grips with this blogging lark a bit better.  There are numerous things I wish to achieve, not least changing the layout and having a cleaner crisper look, sorting out my side labels, taking off the dropping down hearts, I know it annoys some of you and generally having a good old fashioned spring clean.  I am even muting, dare I say it, switching over to the other side, shhhh, WordPress?!?!?  All these things I am sure will be achievable, but I am scared of technology, I do not understand it and I am not convinced it understands me, the mere fact that I even blog, have a fb account and am on IG and now tentatively on Twitter is a crafting miracle I tell you.

But one thing I can try to improve on is my photography and styling skills.  I do not wish to fork out, yet, any money for a course, although there are some seriously tempting courses out there for several pennies worth but instead to start with I will read up as much as I can and practice, practice, practice.  Do you have any tips for me, where I should read, what I should do to improve.  Ideas, advice and help ever so gratefully wanted and received...

I often use wallpaper samples as my back drop for certain types of photographs and have an eclectic why are you not surprised range of wallpaper types.  I thought in my determination to improve and after having had a blogging conversation with the wonderful 'Twisted Yarn' blogger decided to put my money where my mouth was and begin on this journey.

I decided to use the same product to photograph but use different backdrops to see how this can affect the final feel and style to the photograph.  At this point I am not concentrating on the actual photographs skills nor that the lighting is not great, but just wanted to see what different back grounds did...
An eclectic mix of wallpaper sample to use as photograph backdrops

I made some meringues ready for the Thursday crochet lessons and decided to photograph these I have since realised not to make things too many days in advance as I now only have three left for tonight as some monkey or monkeys have been nibbling merrily away at them without me realising!?!?!

Cream background with a silver thread,
I used this a lot in photographs over the Christmas period

Mock wood background, this is one of my favourites to use,
although not keen on seeing the lines move from the ground and up to the back

I have not actually used this one before, but can see potential here

Great fun simmer background but far too busy for this type of shot 

Again a fun background, maybe ok for a summer theme? Very busy

Despite being busy, there is something that almost
works here, is it that all the picture are
fairly solid and on a plain background?

Plain does work well, perhaps not the correct colour

I have a tendency to red, it's plain and vibrant,
I quite like this, although have only used it on one or two occasions
I am still in the process of deciding which I like and how to go about this.  I lean on the cleaner, calmer crisp look as in the cream with the silver thread and the wood look one as well as the vibrant red. 

  What do to you think.  Please do share...



  1. This post really helped me and have a look at the book suggested too.

    One of the things I always comment on in my blog are my dreadful photos. They're just for my reference thought, rarely staged and just to show an item.

    I do love a good photo though :)

    1. Ooh thanks will go and have a look. Really appreciate that.

  2. Wow the wallpaper thing is a great idea! I only have a camera phone so my pictures are poor at best! Keen to get tips too :)

    1. I picked up the idea from another blogger about a year ago. Quick and cheap. My sort of tip!

  3. Background paper is a great and simple idea and one I will try out too. I like the wood one best. For outdoor pics I always try and take things from unusual angles, get close up or focus on a section of something. I'm also aware of light when photographing things, which makes a big difference. It needs a reasonably decent camera though. :o)

    1. Glad I was able to inspire. Like the outdoor different angle idea too. I will give that a go. Thank you x

  4. I only have a camera phone so my photos aren't great. Having said that, I do try to get the best photos I can get. I've found the best spot for taking photos in the house - the light is just better- and this has made a big difference. I also use different back grounds sometimes. I have various craft paper that I use for this. Would love to have a 'proper' camera so I can zoom on images, etc. but I think it's too much money to spend
    just for blogging.x

    1. I admit most of my photos on this blog are taken with my phone also. I do have a good camera but I have become lazy and have now forgotten what everything dies aperture etc eyes. Need to re learn!!

  5. I really like the idea of using wallpaper for a background, love the red.
    I don't have any wallpaper, but I do have scrapbook paper, might give that a try.
    As to photos, your look fine, I have no hope for mine.

    1. Scrap book craft paper should do just fine. All my wallpaper came from home ware stores and were free. Next time you are out and about...

  6. Great post with lots of inspiring tips! Suzy x

    1. Am really pleased you think so. Thanks for taking time to comment.

  7. hi! Just remembered something else that's really useful--photo editing apps. I use Photo Editor. It's easy to use and can be downloaded for free. x

  8. Some lovely tips there Selma. I also use wallpaper at times and I like a wooden background too. I hadn't thought of scrap booking paper though, and I've got loads in my stash.:))

  9. Hello Selma!
    I liked the FIRST one, the one of the window with the natural light and the pretty flowers. It's beautiful! Why not photograph things there? *_*

    1. Hi Mona. I agree natural light is good but sometimes I like to not have the complication of too much behind what I am photographing. Many of my pictures here on the blog do indeed feature that window as a back drop x

  10. I like the wood paper as well. Since you don't like the way the paper curves up the back why not use a large enough piece that you can set it flat and still get only the paper and the item you are photographing. I haven't worried too much about backgrounds until now but the wallpaper idea is a good one I may try.

    1. You are totally right. Reason I haven't done that as yet us that my sample is too small. I do need another home diy store trip...

  11. You can create the best photos with good natural light. I no longer own a DSLR camera so just use my compact camera on the auto setting (without flash). I shoot a few photos and then hope there's one I'm happy with.

  12. I just use my iPhone for everything. Takes pretty darn good pictures. I have an old wooden trunk I use for most photos. I like a plain background and wood always looks good. Good idea to use the wallpapers. Best wishes, Tammy

  13. hi, thank you for your visit. I am your follower now, if you want can be in conection. Kiss

  14. Wow, lots of comments!! It is interesting to see what a difference the background makes isn't it! The wood planks are really effective aren't they! xx

    1. Hi Amy. Yes lots of feedback and the wood seems to be the most popular choice. Therefore I used it as the background for my cake on the next post

    2. Hi Amy. Yes lots of feedback and the wood seems to be the most popular choice. Therefore I used it as the background for my cake on the next post

  15. My photos are rubbish so I need some tips too.

    1. Tips are always welcome here too anything to dither my blogging in a constructive way


I will always read all comments and will try to reply but it may take me a couple of days, do please pop back and lets get a conversation going...