WIPs and recent makes

26th June

Mood blanket 2014 and the Attic 24
Scandinavian influenced cosy CAL
Works in progress make many appearances on crafting blogs and this one is no exception.  What is it about starting something, the excitement, the challenge, the unknown, so why then does this all slow up and often just grind to a halt?
Last year I enthusiastically began the  mood blanket  , chose the perfect blanket colours, just for me, loved that I was crocheting in cotton and then BAM, five months later, I stopped.   Phil from the wonderful blog The Twisted Yarn, often asked me if I was going to pick it up again but she has now stopped asking.  It's been playing on my conscience and today I brought it out of the back of the wardrobe and am leaving it out, just in case I maybe ready to pick it up sometime soon, fingers crossed everyone...

The mood blanket is based loosely
on the stripy as you go blanket

In August my daughter will be 16.  We have frantically begun to re arrange the garden, which has involved moving sheds, demolishing sheds , cutting down and pruning trees, adding in new fences and completely changing the look of the bottom half of the garden.  And now we are about to put in a brick path, patio and more lawn area.  To dress up the new patio I decided that I was not busy enough in my life and it would be good to have some crocheted bunting.  A couple of years ago I made meters of sewn bunting and  we bring it out every year but I wanted something new and just for her party.  Having previously bought four balls of Drops Belle cotton/viscose/linen mix for the Knitting and Crocheting Guild/Yarn Stories competition and then finding that I had no time to design an entry, let alone knit or crochet it, had what I felt would be perfect colours for the bunting.  So on Sunday whilst watching my son in a rowing regatta I began...

The start of making 56 crocheted triangles for bunting

Each triangular shape takes between 10 and 15 minutes depending on my depth of concentration and each ball makes 14 of them.  they each measure 6 cm at the widest top part and put end to end will make just under three and a half meters.  what I cannot decode upon is would they look better with an equal gap between the triangles in which case I would end up with just over six and a half meters of bunting.  That's a lot of chain binding to make to string them together.   What would you do, what do you think would look best?

Which do you think would look best for the bunting?

You may recall that I have begun an obsession with glass fusing, see post here and this week I have made two pieces which will be fired over the week end.  Cannot wait till Tuesday to see how they turn out.  That is one of the many joys of glass fusing, you have an image in your mind and then you create as close to that as you can, but nature will take its course with the heat and you never know quite how all the glass will melt together.  Exciting times. 

Beginnings of a glass bowl, top
and a sea blue light catcher

I bean recycling and reupholstering this  1950's dressing table last week and admit to not quite finishing it.  From afar, it looks totally finished and I confess to being just a tad in love with it.  Notice the spotty material under the crocheted bunting in the photos above?  That's the material of choice for this dresser, pop over and see how it turned out. 

Finally a little bit of a cheat as this is not a work in progress, but as soon as I can tear myself away from the computer I will begin this project and it MUST be finished by Thursday.  It's to travel to Washington DC, which is across the pond from where I live.  My daughter travels there on Friday morning to visit my sister.  Her partner has begun a new venture and has bought a food truck selling British food in DC and requested if I could make three lines of bunting to go around the truck.  Turquoise, pink and white were requested, so I really must crack on....

Logo for the food truck

Unfortunately within a week of beginning, someone broke into
the truck over night and stole the generator!  It's still off road
whilst a new one is located.  Very sad and disheartening.

Scones, cream and home made jam can be
bought from this food truck in DC

Material all ready and waiting
to be made into bunting...

  Do you have many WIPs?  

Joining in for the first time in a while with Amy  from Love Made My Home,
taking five minutes out of my day to share with you all my five makes of focus for the week. Also for the first time with Willy Nilly Friday 5


  1. Wow Selma you sure do have a lot of makes and all very nice! Thanks for stopping by and for sharing everything! Have a nice weekend!
    Julie xo

    1. Thank you Julie. But I really should try and complete them ;)

  2. I love all of your WIP's!!! You know that I love a good work in progress!! I hope that you finish the blanket as it is lovely. So sorry to hear about your sister and BIL's problems with the van, that is not good, I hope that all will be well and sorted very soon. Hope your daughter has a great time away too! As for the birthday bunting, if you measure the space you have to hang it that might give you an idea of what to do, also remember you could make long strings at either end to hang it across a space and just have the middle bit with the flags - if you see what I mean! I love the little triangles and the colours!! Thank you so much as always for joining in. I hope that you have a great weekend! xx

    1. Measuring is a great idea Amy hopefully the patio will be completed mid week and them I can get a better view on things. I understand what you mean about the longer ends too x

  3. You have so much on the go. I love that 50's dresser, if only it could talk ha! How upsetting about the truck and it looks fab too! Good luck with the bunting (s)! Have a great weekend Selma xx

    1. Lisa, could you imagine if it could talk. I've spent the last few moments pondering on that... All those secrets...

  4. Neat stuff. Tom The Backroads Traveller

    1. Tom, just popped over to your blog, will add you to my list. Love your photos and just read about your work. Interesting. Very interesting. Thanks for stopping by x

  5. I always feel vaguely guilty about having several projects on the go, but it seems to be a feature of knitting and crochet - or maybe we all have ADD! I have a mixed stitch blanket that has been waiting for 4 months for me to sew in all the ends so that I can put a border on it.

    I have a sort of sheep doll that just needs the arms and ears sewing on to be completed, but it's been on my desk since the end of March.

    I have 9/24 squares for a blanket completed; I've been quite good about sewing the ends as I go for this project :) I have a mired square blanket that's about 1/3 done; it's made from a self-striping yarn - yay, no ends!

    I also have 3 (yes really!) giant granny square blankets that are completed, except for the dreaded ends. I'm sitting on my hands, trying not to start anything new :)

  6. Yeah! Shelagh, fellow crafter! I think WIPs or UFO whoever you prefer seems to be par for the course in crafting. But like you I am uncomfortable. Good luck with sitting on your hands. I feel your pain with the ends...

  7. oh my goodness you are talented, love both the blankie and the bunting! happy early 16th to your daughter! which day in august is her birthday? my daughter is on the 2nd, my husband on the 7th and i'm the 23rd! thank you so much for linking and have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Ooh Tanya so many August birthdays. Hers is the 18th. I'm not so much as talented as I am just wanting to try and I don't like watching tv so much so I craft instead

  8. I know what you mean about WIP. Although I have figured out that if something goes ignored, or worse, completely forgotten about, that generally means that I'm not happy with the project and would be better off frogging it. It still usually takes me a while to confirm my decision. I didn't think I had a lot of those forgotten WIP until I was reorganizing my overflowing yarn collection and realized how many I had completely forgotten about.

    I hope that food truck makes it to L'Enfant Plaza or the Bureau of Engraving and Printing--I'd definitely head out for lunch!

    1. You could be right about WIPs that sit around for too long. I made a huge mistake with the mood blanket and so had to frig do much with made me disheartened but I love the colours so much, so hopefully. Have no idea where these places are that you mention but will infirm Rhonda and sho knows she may just turn up there!

  9. OK, I just love your crochet projects! You definitely have to finish that first one! And, you are covering the dresser with FABRIC!? That is awesome! It's going to be beautiful!

    1. Yep covered in fabric. If you follow the link you will see how it turned out. Just need fabric protector in it now! I hope to finish that blanket in the not too distant future ...

  10. Oh my! You are always so busy Selma. I love the bunting. I have just bought (yes, cheating I know) some bunting for Bears room when I finally get all my decorating done. It's so cheery and pretty looking isn't it? X

    1. I love bunting. Don't think I will ever tire of it. Buying is not cheating, there isn't enough hours in the day to do everything we want.

  11. Lovely WIP! There are so many wonderful things a crafty girl can make, it's easy to get started but much harder to finish, isn't it??

  12. Wow, what great WIP's! I have always wanted a dressing table and your make-over turned out fabulously! I have a soft spot for polka dots as well :D How long have you been doing glass fusing? It is something I always was fascinated by but somehow never quite got around to...and now I've become addicted to everything fiber. Oh well, perhaps next lifetime, lol!
    Hugs for now,
    Beth P

    1. Keep looking on free cycle and the like. People seem to be getting rid if these types if dressers all the time. I am pleased with it. Glass fusing has been going on for only 9 sessions. I'm loving it and it is easy to produce lovely items in a fairly short space of time. Suits me perfectly.

  13. Hi - I joined in with the Crochet Mood Blanket and decided to do a 52 squares granny blanket which I did finish. It was my first ever blanket as I had just taught myself to crochet. Love your blog. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    1. What a great way to learn Joan. Glad you finished it. Now I really must crack on with mine. Glad you stopped by. I enjoyed visiting your blog.

  14. Oh my goodness you have so much going on with food truck decorating, a party to get ready for and of course that beautiful blanket. Wishing you well,

    1. Thank you Meredith. Bunting for the food truck now all 5.5m of it made. You are always busy too I feel x

  15. Lots of crafting fun/work in your home! The buntings are going to look great for your daughter's party. Whether you have the triangles together or apart, there's still a lot of work in doing up more triangles or more chain. I would go with whichever look you like best. The food truck looks very jazzy, and I wish I could visit it. Shame about the theft of the generator ... he needs an alarm on it now. Enjoy your weekend Selma!

    1. Thanks Wendy. You are tight about the bunting. At the moment my gut is to have them close together but time will tell x

  16. Your bunting is cute and will be lovely hung up. I think I like the spacing between the triangles but yes that would make more work for you.

    I have so many projects started and waiting to be finished I could write a book on it. I am updating an old house I moved into last fall which takes quite a bit of my time. In addition to the house I've also started working on Christmas gifts. I stared a sweater (crochet) for my grandson then realized the pattern while the right size was too short and set that aside until I could measure him. I then started another sweater but haven't finished it. I've got a quilt started, a crocheted blanket for one of the grandchildren started and a cross stitch picture for myself that is slowly seeing some progress just to name a few.

    1. Wow Lois you sound really busy. Buying a house that needs renovating is fun as you can make it yours. That's what we did. It's time consuming and sometimes you wonder what you've leg yourself in for never mind the cost but it is do worth it. I've been thinking I should start Christmas gifts too. They take do long to make. Thanks for stopping by.

  17. Wow - wonderful projects! I bet that bunting will look great!!
    So sorry for the van misfortune for your Sis & BIL. Hope it all works out soon.
    Happy weekend to you! ;)

    1. Thanks Carrie, I hope it all gets sorted for them soon too x

  18. I think that having several WIPs is a good thing rather than a bad thing - it means we can tailor our crafting to our moods. I've usually got more than one pair of socks on the go (a TV watching pair and a more complicated pair) and I have a jacket that I started last year which I've not quite got round to finishing. Hope it doesn't take long to get the generator replaced in the van. Bunting will look lovely and vey English! xx

    1. It will look lovely and English you are do tight, well that's the idea any way. I agree that a few WIPs are a good idea as you say depending on your mood but I have even a few more that I did not share here so I really need to do domeghing about it. Especially as I want to knit more socks!

  19. Beautiful WIPs and recent makes! I love the colours you have chosen for your projects. And I'd love to have a food truck like that going around here... :)
    Thank you for sharing and have a happy Sunday!

  20. Thanks Sara. Choosing colours is half the fun I always think. Have a great Sunday too.

  21. Goodness, you are busy, with lots of lovely things. I have tons of blankets started and not yet finished. It's okay. I can pick them up at any time and continue on. I'm sure all the changes in your garden are going to be quite lovely and will continue to be enjoyed even after the birthday party. Love bunting and want to crochet some for the The Secret Garden. I thought I would start first with mini grannies and then maybe also do some triangle bunting. I hope the food truck is successful. A shame that someone broke into it. Desperate times for some but doesn't give them the right to steal. Good luck getting the bunting finished. Hope your daughter has a nice trip. Best wishes, Tammy

  22. Five fab WIPs, Selma! Your dressing table post made me giggle, all of you squeezing around it in the utility room for six months, you've made a lovely job of it. As for the crochet bunting, I'm afraid I'd go for spaces between the flags. Sorry. x

  23. carini i tuoi lavori a maglia , brava ciao.


I will always read all comments and will try to reply but it may take me a couple of days, do please pop back and lets get a conversation going...