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      Crocheted granny vase

      30th April    


      My mood recently is not where I would like it to be.   And in actual fact I realised how 'black' a mood I was in only really yesterday when I began a new quick busting project.  Like so many who use yarn for their hobby, I have many small balls of yarn and scraps left over from projects and every once in a while it's good to scrap bust.  Which colours did I choose yesterday... black, dark grey, light grey and white.  Yep, I'm feeling grey and ashen myself.  The latest illness in our house hold has been the most violent and nasty tummy bug I have ever experienced, to begin with I thought I had salmonella poisoning but it soon became apparent as each member of the family came down with it that this was a very nasty bug.  I'm now thinking with all our illness and hospital visits so far in 2015 to perhaps paint a cross on the front  door...      But onto much nicer things, crochet!  I decided that with all the gorgeous flowers in the garden at the moment, that I do not actually have enough vases, but where to store them.  I remembered a previous blog post from last year and in actual fact use that vase almost daily see here ~  Colourful vase tutorial and decided to make something similar.
      I decided that perhaps I may not keep this vessel as long as I have the previous one, but that this would not matter as to store the crochet cover takes up no space at all and I can find another cylindrical container in my store cupboards whenever needed.  Apart from jam jars and the odd yoghurt pot, most of these containers that hold consumables in are often not waterproof, so how to get around that with my cardboard vessel?  I hid a drinking glass inside!  Genius I thought, have a look...
      I chained enough to go around my vessel but made sure there were slightly less as it is very easy with granny stitches for it to become looser, just bare this in mind. When the chain was long enough I joined it with a slip stich, making sure not to twist the chain.

      Then it was just a simple case of double crocheting.  I put three double crochet into a stitch, missed a chain and put three double crochet into the next chain until the end of the row.  Each row I switched colour and then put my three double crochets into the space on the previous row.  This type of crochet grows incredibly quickly and is the type that you can do without thinking about it.

      All you need is some scrap yarn, a vessel to cover, in my case a cardboard cylindrical one that used to house gravy granules, glass to insert inside the vessel  and the flowers and water, et voila!

      Crochet vase looks good outside...

      ....and the crochet vase looks good inside

      That's me done for today and now I really need to get back to the household chores of finishing washing all those bed clothes...yuck.  My husband's birthday was even put on hold yesterday too.  If you pass by and see a cross on my door, you know we've fallen ill to something else...

        Here's to May being a healthier month 


      1. I'm sorry you've all been feeling so grotty, I hope you are all feeling a lot better now. I must say I do like your idea of crocheting a cover for a cardboard tube x

        1. Thanks Jo. Fingers crossed about feeling better. Don't want to jinx it. Glad you like the idea.

      2. Hope you'll all recover and stay well. The vase is a great idea - really lovely.

      3. Looks great, not gloomy at all.

      4. Another fabulously clever idea. :-) I hope your finished crochet and these flowers are raising your spirits.

        1. Slowly being raised. Loved your fruit cake. Bonkers. Totally you. Totally stealing and using your idea.

      5. I remember your vase from last year, this is a great addition to that!! xx

      6. That's a great idea - using cardboard container but putting the flowers in a grass. It looks lovely. We had to postpone a birthday this week too owing to illness - which means we had to eat one birthday cake sans birthday boy and I've promised to make another one when he's better. All the best, Judy X

        1. Oh no! Sirry to hear that but more cake for you yummy!! Hope he is on the mend


      I will always read all comments and will try to reply but it may take me a couple of days, do please pop back and lets get a conversation going...