After two years of living in a blur and life passing me by I am slowly emerging from my cocoon. I won't bore you with the details of the past couple of years suffice it to say all is fine and all is good. The chicklings have flown the nest, the house is suddenly tidy and I can find whatever I want at the drop of a hat. And the kitchen stays the way I left as I trundle up the stairs to bed to look exactly the same when I re-emerge looking myself like a scarecrow in the morning with my hair limp against my head from the inevitable rush of heat that takes over my body now and then. Yep, you've guessed it the menopause symptoms... Miracles will never cease as I enter the kitchen, never tiring of the joy of seeing the kitchen looking tidy with everything in its place. It does mean of course that the house is quiet, not silent, but the hustle and bustle of a family of four have reduced to just me most weekdays and John returning home the odd night and here at the weekends. How life changes. I was warned when Ella was born that the time will fly and I did not think too much about it but oh my gosh, I think I would tell the young mother, Selma, slow down and savour it just a tad more. Don't get me wrong I enjoy every phase and this new one with the youngsters flying their own wings and working out who they are is too in its own way wonderful if somewhat bittersweet.
Enough of my ramblings...
The December daily posts will indeed return for 2019, will you be so kind as to join and perhaps spread the word.
A few snippets to entice you to join, I look forward to seeing you on December 1st for our Christmas countdown...
There will be baking, Norwegian traditions, crafting, ramblings and so very much more...
♥Will you be joining me in December?♥