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      A Christmas window

      Growing up in a mixed-race household was a privilege and one I did not really appreciate until I was much older.  As with all things in life, much from my childhood has seeped into who I am as an adult.  The December days and the joy I feel about them most certainly come from my mother and her mother too.  
      Long before it was trendy to dress the windows my mother added crocheted snowflakes to ours and although I have not asked her, I wonder if that was to bring a piece of her winter homeland back to an often wet and windy December in the UK.  When I began this blog seven years ago, one of the first blog posts was all about snowflakes on the window and I shared many patterns as well as for those who could not crochet an alternative, see here.  Most years thereafter I have thought of other ways to also treat a window at home to some Christmas dressing.                                                              This year is no exception and my French windows in the study have been subjected to their quickest makeover to date, all I needed was a white chalk marker.  So quick and so effective.  I am not nor have ever been someone who could draw but if I can do this then I am sure you can and those of you who do have an artistic flair I am sure can come up with some wonderful creations.  Below are my efforts, it was like giving myself permission to Christmas graffiti all over the windows.  It felt naughty but was so much fun and we are really enjoying it.
      And for those of you worrying or wondering, I bought markers that wipe off very easily with water and a gentle rub with a cloth, I tested it out before I let my Christmas artistic streak loose...

      A quick test to make sure the markers clean off ok

      All it needed was a damp cloth
      and it wiped away quickly

      I used these markers but you can, of course, use 
      any you like, just make sure they will clean off easily

      A Christmas Window

        Do you get excited for Christmas?   


      1. These are so effective! I hadn't heard about chalk markets until this year, when 'The Batch Lady' said that she labels her (reusable) freezer bags with them. So, multi-purpose - I must buy some and start graffiti-ing my windows!

        1. Do Jan, I have begun to use them for lots of things!

      2. That looks so cool! I'll have to see if I can find those markers here; they'd be handy for other seasonal decor, too, wouldn't they?

      3. Replies
        1. Wish I was more artistic Karen, thinking about asking a friend to draw a white Christmas scene for me...

      4. I have chalk markers in the daw so there’s no excuse. Love the crocheted snowflakes :) B x

        1. Ooh give it a go Barbara and thanks we love our crocheted snowflakes too x

      5. Fab! Have just ordered a set xxx

        1. Yay!!! Let me know how you get on. I'm thinking of having a prize in our house on Christmas day for the best window drawn bauble!

      6. Replies
        1. he he he, can you imagine if it hadn't wiped off Amy!

      7. They are amazing, such fun. I am thinking they would be a perfect thing to buy for the grandchildren.


      I will always read all comments and will try to reply but it may take me a couple of days, do please pop back and lets get a conversation going...