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      Christmas basket

      Christmas crafting begins in the summer for me when 
      I visit mamma in Norway and this year despite
      the coronavirus I managed to squeeze in a quick flying 
      visit to see her and of course some knitting...  
      I love felting, all types but there is something quite unknown about knitting/felting as to what size your eventual items will be.  Wondering whether the width will marry up correctly to the height.  Mamma always says it depends too on your washing machine, a bit like knowing your own oven, does your oven cook a little quicker or slower than recipes say and so it is with washing machines ... it all adds to the spice I say.

      Don't you just love how increases look on dpn

      It's so exciting when the pattern begins to emerge

      The basket begins to emerge

      The stitch definition will be lost when felted

      Basket before felting

      Dpn decreases for the base of the basket

      Could this be a hat? 

      Photo to show the size of the basket before felting

      Place the knitted basket in the washing machine with a couple of 
      towels to aid the friction and rubbing whilst being washed

      Once the basket comes out of the washing machine it is imperative to mould it onto something to get the correct shape.  Sometimes it takes a few goes to find the correct mould... 

      I definitely was not the correct size or shape for the drying process so I resorted to using a bucket.  Unfortunately, the photos I took have mysteriously disappeared and as I do not own a round bucket and now with lockdown restrictions in place I can not just 'pop' back over to mamma's to take another photo with her bucket, you will have to imagine the next photo...

      Imagine a photo here of an upturned purple bucket,  
      with the felted basket, wet and dripping with water, tied around and around  
      tightly to the bucket to hold the walls as close as possible to the sides of the bucket.

      Here is a mock-up of what the
      the imagined photo could look like... ;)

      A Christmas Felted basket, ready to use

      The basket is large, it has a diameter of 25cm and a height of 16cm and is proving perfect for Christmas satsumas and clementines...

      Knitted felt basket full of Christmas satsumas,
      what could be more appealing?

      If you are interested in making this, the pattern is from Garn Studio and can be found here: Felt basket they also have patterns for Spring baskets too.

        How are your Christmas preparations coming along? 


      1. Lovely Selma, you are so clever with all these crafting ideas. x

      2. A very clever make and a great fruit basket too!

      3. That is such a beautiful basket, Selma! I love stranded knitting and the way that felting reduces any imperfections. I have quite a few crocheted (but not felted) baskets I've made. It's such fun! I'd love to try my hand at this one . . . maybe when we get to summer? It would be useful for so many things, wouldn't it? Maybe even holding mittens or socks . . .

        1. It would be perfect for holding mittens and socks Linne, let me know if you ever make this one or one of the others on garn studio, or indeed your own design.


      I will always read all comments and will try to reply but it may take me a couple of days, do please pop back and lets get a conversation going...